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This week’s Five Minute Friday prompt is: NEIGHBOR


[Tweet “Join @5minutefriday as we write for five minutes on the prompt, NEIGHBOR.”]

3, 2, 1 … GO.

This past week has seen some incredible devastation from Hurricane Harvey. Photographs that don’t even seem real continue to fill my newsfeed. Every time I think it can’t possibly get worse, it does.

And yet, there have been equally incredible stories and photographs of people coming together. People literally linking arms in human chains to rescue complete strangers.

I saw this tweet from Beth Moore and couldn’t agree more:


In preparation of this post, I thought of one of our FMF sisters who lives in Texas, north of the flooding. Without a moment’s hesitation, she swung her door wide open for anyone to take shelter in her home.

Would I be so quick to do the same? I hope so.

neighborI think of the chapter I contributed to the book, Craving Connection, about a hungry mama who came to my gate in Cape Town asking for food. I handed a plastic bag of dry goods over the gate without even unlocking it.

Looking back, I wish I had opened the gate. Invited her in. I wish seen her as a neighbor, not an inconvenience.

In the book, I write that love is being willing to inconvenience yourself for the sake of another — and finding joy in it.

And that’s what I’ve seen happening this past week — people emulating Love.


[Tweet “How can you be a good neighbor today? “]


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