Welcome to this week’s edition of Five Minute Friday!
If you’re new or looking for instructions on how the link-up works, head over to this page.
We’ll write soon, but first I have an exciting opportunity to share with you!
Have you heard of the annual Write 31 Days writing challenge?
It happens every year during the month of October, and this year marks the 4th annual 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes — a challenge within a challenge, so to speak.
If you’re game (and I hope you are!), I provide 31 prompts and invite anyone who’s interested to write a five-minute free write every day in October. Easy, right? 😉 I mean, c’mon … it’s just five minutes!
If you’re ready to take the plunge and join the challenge, sign up HERE.
[Tweet “Join @5minutefriday for 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes in October!”]
Here are the prompts for 2017:
Download the printable PDF version HERE.
Here’s how it works:
On October 1st, I’ll post a Special Edition link-up for anyone participating in 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes. You’ll only need to link up once for the whole challenge.
You write for five minutes flat on the prompt of the day, then post on your blog (or Instagram or Facebook account).
Repeat everyday until November. 🙂
So … are you in?
for 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes :: 2017 Edition
And now for this week’s link-up …
This week’s FMF prompt is: ACCEPT
[Tweet “It’s @5minutefriday time! This week’s #writing prompt is: ACCEPT”]
Ready? GO.
It’s the third week of September, and temperatures in my West Michigan town peaked at 90 degrees today. The forecast predicts mid-80’s for the next week.
The heat index was so high this afternoon that my kids’ sports practices got cancelled according to district regulations. My 5th grader said they weren’t even allowed to go outside at recess for fear that someone might get heat stroke (and yes, we did laugh over dinner about that restriction).
During supper, the urge to drive the four miles to Lake Michigan prodded strong inside.
But it’s a school night. The kids have homework. And chores. And I have work to do. And, and, and.
“How much more homework do you still have to do tonight?” I asked my brood across the table.
“Not too much,” came the general consensus.
Then my daughter asked, “Can we go to the beach with Auntie Sarah?”
Me: “You read my mind.”
I texted my sister. She hesitated. She’d already had a long week working two jobs, and not much sleep. I was about to let it go, when my kids pleaded and begged her to come.
“Okay,” she agreed.
And boy, was it worth it.
[Tweet “What nudges or invitations are you hesitating to accept this week? “]
In the spirit of this week’s prompt, I dare you to ACCEPT the 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes Challenge!

So beautiful. I’m in for 31 days. I’m so happy you answered your daughter’s call for QT with her aunt. What a wonderful time. <3
I wasn’t planning on 31 days this year (October is slightly crazy, and still trying to get freelancing off the ground!), but I really like the prompts. Hmm.
Sounds like this is just what all of you needed today.
Haha, even though the control freak in me groans a little inside, I actually LOVE when moments like this happen. One day when this life is over, I want to be the person who says “I never passed up a chance to make a memory!” Thanks for her reminder!
Concerning the 31 Day challenge, my OCD says ‘All or nothing, baby,’ but I know already that I won’t be able to make all 31 days because of looming deadlines for some of my clients. Should I do it anyway? What would you do?
I have that gene too : ) I know I can’t write every day, but I’m currently reading Jon Acuff’s book Finish and one of the biggest takeaways is to let go of perfection. So I think I’m going to give myself some grace and go ‘partway in’. October is so busy here and I know the prompts will encourage me not to skip writing altogether. I say go for it!
Thanks, Joyce! Great advice.
The Beach is ALWAYS worth it!
Spontaneous is the BEST. So glad you did that and it will be the remembered moment in a thousand moments of forgotten. Good job, Kate!
What a great reminder Kate! I’m a planner married to Mr. Spontaneity which is really good for me : ) Gorgeous photo!
Girl, you’re gonna have to take me to the lake, even if for just 5 minutes! So glad you got to enjoy your time there! What a beautiful blessing.
And here I am, rejoicing that it’s sweatshirt and hot coffee weather.
This was a great reminder that sometimes it’s important to throw plans out the window. You guys had an experience that will live in your memories for a long time to come. That’s so good.
Kate, When I saw the picture, I knew where you were! Oh, how I’ve wished I was near Holland State Park this week. It’s a joy to experience (if even for a brief moment) the delights of God’s creation.
I am totally new to Michigan (northern for me) and I was scratching my head at the 90 degree day and it is kind of hot today too. For a girl who came over from AZ, it is a little odd. So glad you had an opportunity to enjoy life and the lake with your children and sister. What a blessing and OH WOW what great pictures! I am praying about 31 challenge. I do not have internet except on the weekends, but we are close to renting a place in town which could provide just that. Praying!