Welcome to the first Five Minute Friday link-up of 2018!

After a two-week break for the holidays, we’re back and ready to write!

If you’re new here, a special welcome to you! Learn more about how the link-up works by clicking here.

Every week we write for five minutes flat on a one-word prompt.

This week’s prompt is: MOTIVATE




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Ready? Let’s write!

As we embark on a new year, many of us find a fresh reserve of motivation to set goals and take steps toward positive change. We’re spurred on by the collective hype of a fresh start, another chance.

Marketing campaigns pressure us from every angle: New Year, New You!

We make resolutions with the best intentions, but if you’re anything like me, it won’t be long until they fizzle out and get flushed down the toilet.

So how can we stay motivated? What about particularly when it comes to our writing lives? How can we be sure that we keep going strong, keep fighting the good fight as Christian writers, keep showing up to serve and offer our gifts for His purposes?

One slight mental shift that often helps me is when I keep coming back to my why.

Why do I write? What’s the purpose? Not just what are my goals, but what’s behind them?

If I can identify a clear why that resonates deep within, it will be much easier to get back up, dust myself off, and keep on keepin’ on when I inevitably fall of the wagon of new resolutions.

So here’s my challenge for you this week: Think about your why. Pray about it. Ask God to help you identify your motivation, and write it down so you can come back to it when the going gets tough.



As an extra encouragement to help you remember why you write, I created this Christian Writer’s Manifesto for you. I hope it’s perfect boost of motivation right when you need it.


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Join the link-up by adding your own five minute free write below, then visiting your link-up neighbor to leave an encouraging comment! 

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