Well, here we are at another week, friends!

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This week’s FMF prompt is: SURRENDER




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Today marks exactly five years since my family hugged our South African family and friends goodbye and boarded a plane to move to America.

When we left, we thought we would return after two or three years. It didn’t sound like such a long time, especially in comparison to the ten and a half years I had spent living in Cape Town.

But two years turned into three and now five, and here we are. My kids are different people than the ones who boarded that plane, and my heart hurts when I realize how much they’ve forgotten about their birth land. Their Ouma longs to hug them and cook for them, but distance divides.

When I first moved to Cape Town, I thought I would only be there for five months. More than a decade later, shallow roots had grown deep and spread wide, and pulling them up left a gaping hole in my heart.

In both cases, we thought we had plans and timelines and more plans, but “in his heart a man plans His course but the Lord determines his steps” (Proverbs 16:9).

If anything, I’m continually stretched and challenged to surrender up my will to His, and let it be so.

Not my will, but Yours be done.  


I wrote a reflection on my personal blog about five things I miss and five things I don’t miss about living in South Africa. Find that post over here.

Five Years in America: A Reflection on Missing (and Not Missing) South Africa


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