
I hope you’re not too tired to write this week — and even if you are, you’re just going to have to muster up those last reserves, because this prompt is just for you. 😉

If you’re new to the Five Minute Friday scene, you can read more about our weekly link-up right over here.

This week’s Five Minute Friday prompt is: TIRED





I’m tired.

Physically, yes, but even beyond that. I guess I’m languishing somewhere between spiritually and emotionally fatigued.

I’m tired of dealing with all the effects of sin in the world. Tired of the ramifications and consequences of poor choices and all the rest of it.

And yet, I know it’s worth it to keep fighting the good fight.

After all, I fight not in my own strength, but His. Best of all, I know that He who is in me and every other believer is greater than he who is in the world.

So I keep flipping back to Galatians 6:9 — “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”

Let us not grow weary. 

In due season. 

If we do not give up.

I think of all the pastors, the shepherds who have to wade through their congregation members’ issues and consistently hold out hope. Don’t you think that would get exhausting after a while?

Then I remember that God is the ultimate Shepherd, ever drawing His wandering sheep back to Himself.

I may get tired of dealing with all the junk in the world, but God hasn’t yet. What a mercy that He hasn’t turned His back, that He hasn’t lifted His hand of restraint on all the evil that could be unleashed.

His grace is sufficient, and His power is made perfect in weakness (and tiredness).



Join the link-up with your own five minute free write on the prompt, TIRED, then leave a comment on the blog linked up before yours! 

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