I hope you’re not too tired to write this week — and even if you are, you’re just going to have to muster up those last reserves, because this prompt is just for you. 😉
If you’re new to the Five Minute Friday scene, you can read more about our weekly link-up right over here.
This week’s Five Minute Friday prompt is: TIRED
I’m tired.
Physically, yes, but even beyond that. I guess I’m languishing somewhere between spiritually and emotionally fatigued.
I’m tired of dealing with all the effects of sin in the world. Tired of the ramifications and consequences of poor choices and all the rest of it.
And yet, I know it’s worth it to keep fighting the good fight.
After all, I fight not in my own strength, but His. Best of all, I know that He who is in me and every other believer is greater than he who is in the world.
So I keep flipping back to Galatians 6:9 — “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”
Let us not grow weary.Â
In due season.Â
If we do not give up.
I think of all the pastors, the shepherds who have to wade through their congregation members’ issues and consistently hold out hope. Don’t you think that would get exhausting after a while?
Then I remember that God is the ultimate Shepherd, ever drawing His wandering sheep back to Himself.
I may get tired of dealing with all the junk in the world, but God hasn’t yet. What a mercy that He hasn’t turned His back, that He hasn’t lifted His hand of restraint on all the evil that could be unleashed.
His grace is sufficient, and His power is made perfect in weakness (and tiredness).
Join the link-up with your own five minute free write on the prompt, TIRED, then leave a comment on the blog linked up before yours!Â

Kate, as soon as I saw the word, I was eager to see where you took it. I love that verse in Galatians, and your words of hope here. I couldn’t decide what to write on, but my heart thought about being more than physically tired. Thank goodness our Shepherd never tires of our issues. He’s pretty amazing that way. 🙂
I’m tired too. At Bible study my friend asked me to open us in prayer and those were my first words. “O God, I’m so tired… I bet all of us women are tired so we came to sit at your feet.”
Bless you and thank you for this word today.
I’m so tired, Kate. I just want it to stop.
Andrew, I know you are. How we pray that your pain will soon be forgotten and you will gaze into the eyes of the One you love so dearly. I can only imagine the joy. We will continue loving Barb. xoxoxo
Kate, thank you for confirming my oneword2018: REAP in your writing. It is time to reap what we have sown. If you read my post, you’ll understand.
It’s time for our dear Andrew to reap his eternal reward. My heart aches for them.
Appropriate word for this morning as I sat down half awake, waiting for my coffee to kick in and getting ready to finalize the funeral homily for Sunday (which will mark my fourth worship service in seven days). Thanks for the prompt and your reflections.
I can relate so well to your words Kate. I too am tired of all the sin, anger, and sadness that I see in the world. But then I see the goodness that is quietly being done and feel refreshed again that there is good in the world and people have not forgotten what He gave up for us.
I feel you, Kate! Praying that God strengthens your hand for the work he has given you!
I can relate to this so much. Praying for strength and peace. You are an incredible angel and such a light for Jesus. I admire you and the ways you lift God’s name when you do anything. Were I to be a shepherd like you, friend. Hallelujah for the Greatest that is beyond me or the world. Sending my love and my hugs. I hope you feel them.
Bone weary, aching, heavy limbs, tired hurting heart, emotionally spent, spiritually unable to lift my head full of whizzing anxious thoughts & fears, time dragging by.
Yet, God is the lifter of my head and my glory round me (Ps 3:3). If he can lift my heavy head and lift me up where I am bowed down in spirit (Ps 145:14); Bring joy to my spirit as I lift to Him my soul that will bring strength. His strength to strengthen my exhausted limbs, and strengthen my weak tired heart and increase power to my feeble thoughts. Then in time I shall be free to run and not be weary and walk and not be faint, for those who wait on the Lord will rise on wings like eagles high up above being tired. I hope.
I can relate to being tired, frustrated and wanting to give up on pursuing writing online because I am so technology challenged. I loved this week prompt and got fired up about it. There are so many things I can write about being tired. However, I end up not understanding how to post my first five minutes Friday piece into the system. It is like this with me and the online business. I will make mistakes until I get it. So, once again I am very frustrated and tired of things I can’t accomplish, but I will not give up on being a part of this.
Oh Kate, yes. Weary of so much. Praise God He never grows weary and lifts us up on Eagle’s wings as we cry out. Giving us His eyes, His heart and truth. That Scripture is a good one. May you know His arms around you and His strength sustaining you through the hard today.
Tired? When I hear that word I know weary can’t be far behind. I check my food, sleep and schedule and make a moments for rebalance. Crazy as it sounds I have a large artist size pad of sketch paper where I write words, draw pictures,write scriptures or make lists and that creates a moment of space and I rest there.
I feel it, too. More than once in recent days I have told Jesus, “Hey, You can come back now.” As if I can command or direct Him. In my mind’s eye I can see Him rubbing my back and telling me to wait just a little longer. I’m glad that, in the waiting, we are not left alone, and He gives us the strength to keep going.
Oh, I think everyone feels it! We are all tired of being tired. Sin weighs heavy on this world. Jesus is our only place of real rest. Lovely post.