Well, for the first time in Five Minute Friday history, the link-up didn’t get posted when it was supposed to!
And of course I only realized it as I was riding home from my Book Launch Party at Baker Book House, about twenty minutes before the post was supposed to go live. Agh!
I’m so sorry to all who were waiting and looking for it last night . . .
Here I thought I was so organized and had all my ducks in a row . . . and I completely dropped the ball. My apologies!
If you want to see the reason I missed it, watch the video here of the launch party at Baker Book House!
[Tweet “Watch the video of @k8motaung’s Book Launch Party @bakerbookstore!”]
A Place to Land officially releases Monday, April 2nd. Learn more about it and find links to purchase here.
Plus, a couple of my friends are giving away copies!
Head over to Brenda Yoder’s site to enter her giveaway here.
Visit Lisa VanEngen’s site to enter her giveaway here.
And if you purchase a copy of A Place to Land before April 7th, be sure to enter to win one of three amazing prize packs by filling out this form!
This week’s Five Minute Friday prompt is: SETTLE
[Tweet “Join @5minutefriday for our weekly blog link-up! The prompt is: SETTLE”]
If you’re new to Five Minute Friday, learn more about the link-up here. The link-up is open until Thursday, April 5th, at 9:55pm EST. Hope you can join us!
Ready? GO.
I spent much of my life trying to live someone else’s story. I fought against words like divorce and cancer and grief. I fought the tension of being pulled in multiple directions across homes and continents and oceans.
It can be an exhausting way to live, trying to fight against the will of God.
I still struggle with the tension on occasion, but over the years I’ve discovered by God’s grace that it’s far better to submit to His plan and purposes. It’s far better to settle into His will, not resist it.
God loves us far more than we will ever fathom — all we have to do is look at the cross on this Good Friday to see the extent of His love.
If He would go to such incomprehensible lengths to redeem us, His beloved, how much more will He not provide exactly what we need when we need it?
He is a good and gracious God, if only we would rest in Him.
So as we spend time this weekend reflecting on Jesus’ death, on the days He spent in the tomb, and on His glorious resurrection, let’s also ask Him to settle our hearts firmly in His care.
Join the link-up with your own five minute free write below! Then visit your link-up neighbor to leave an encouraging comment.Â

That’s one of the benefits of old age ;). Having time to grow into our relationship with our Savior and allowing him to settle and heal all the turmoil in our lives!
congrats on your book kate. i know it represents a lot of work!
Kate, thank you for these words. Fighting the will of God never brings resolve. Have a wonderful Easter!
Congratulations on your book launch, Kate! Enjoy celebrating this milestone.
Boy, Easter weekend was not easy. But thank you for sharing these quieting words.