Hey there! Welcome to another round of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up! I’m waving hello from Cape Town, South Africa — we have a couple more weeks left in this beautiful country before we head back to the U.S. on August 12th, Lord willing.

If you’re new to the FMF link-up, you can read more here about how it works.


This week’s Five Minute Friday prompt is: THIRTEEN



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Thirteen years ago today in Cape Town, South Africa, I became a mom for the first time. My baby girl is now officially a teenager, and she is a beautiful one, in my humble, unbiased opinion. 😉

Since we adopted her older brother after she was born and since her younger brother has long since surpassed her in height and size, I often joke with her that if she were to write her own memoir, she should title it, “First Born Middle Child Thought to Be the Youngest.”

During the past few weeks when people in South Africa have asked her what grade she’s in and she says, “I’m going into Grade 8,” I want to press the rewind button and go back in time.

I thought I was fine until yesterday afternoon when I passed the same store where we bought her pram, car seat, and nappies when she was born. And it all came back as if no time at all has passed.

Then last night she came to me and said, “Last hug before I turn thirteen?” And I dropped what I had in my hands and held her and hugged her and squeezed her and didn’t want to let go of this girl who makes me marvel every day at the gift of being her mom.

I read the tragic news this week about the sudden death of Christian author Wynter Pitts, who leaves behind four beautiful daughters, and I’m keenly aware that I have no idea how many more days I’ll get to be a mom.

May we count each one a blessing, and may He teach us to number our days aright.



Related posts:

On Being a Mom in South Africa (Book Excerpt)

Five Minute Friday :: Ten

What I Wish I’d Known Ten Years Ago, Before Becoming a Mom


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