Welcome to our weekly blog link-up! Each week we gather to write for five minutes flat on a single writing prompt.
Today’s Five Minute Friday writing prompt is: POTENTIAL
If you’re new, you can learn more about how the link-up works over here. Basically you just set your timer for five minutes and write!
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Ready? GO.
During our recent trip to South Africa, I had the opportunity to visit some dear friends with nine-month-old twin boys. As I sat on the couch in their house and watched the boys crawl around in their diapers, I couldn’t help but be amazed by the vast amount of potential bound up in their little bodies.
Who will they become?
I see it in the power of a blank page. The potential to become.
The possibilities are endless.
It’s the potential of an unplayed piano, the potential of a pencil, of charcoal, of paint.
The potential of clay, of wood, a chisel, a hammer, and nails. Of bricks and cement. Of yarn or a needle and thread.
The potential to create.
What power and privilege we possess by being made in the image of our Creator.
What a gift to be able to take advantage of the potential of a new day.
His mercies are new every morning.
We start Monday! Join us for this year’s edition of 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes —
the Five Minute Friday “challenge within the challenge” of the larger annual Write 31 Days opportunity.
Every day in October, I offer a one word prompt for anyone who wants to participate.
It’s like a month-long Five Minute Friday!
This year I’ll be writing my personal series on 31 Days to Telling Your Story.
Looking forward to writing with you and reading your work!
[Tweet “There’s still time to sign up for 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes with @5minutefriday!”]
Join this week’s link-up by clicking the blue “Add your link” button below, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment!

Of course, when you’re rock-climbing, there’s the potential energy of mass times height times the gravitational constant.
But I guess the equation balances when fun equals potential pain, at least for me!
Potential…think of all the wasted potential. My. My.
This is the day the Lord has made! Let us rejoice and be glad in it! Such a message pouring forth for the day… a day of great potential. Yet, many times we fail to strive for the potential that each day holds.
It strikes me, that potential is only achieved with action. Again, like so many of God’s intricate, yet simple lessons that He has for us, active participation is required. We will get nowhere waiting for Him, His favor, to come to us. In the book of Hebrews we are told that “It is impossible to please God unless we first BELIEVE that He is… and that He is the rewarder of those that diligently SEEK Him.” The very first step is an action word, we must believe, an act of FAITH. Therein lies the potential for everything.
O’ how I so long to pour this into my loved ones; those who just don’t get it, those who are struggling to keep their heads up during the trials of this season. O’ the potential that is just waiting for us to GRAB it, to HOLD ONTO it. Potential is a word that is fulfilled with faith. It’s all about choices. O’ the potential of our choices.
Love this Kate!
This is absolutely beautiful.
I appreciate the reminder that each day is a precious gift. Makes me look forward to waking up tomorrow. 🙂
Love the concrete examples and especially the potential to create!