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For this week’s Five Minute Friday link-up, we have a special treat.
I invited author Lauren Gaskill to guest post for us on a topic related to her newly released book, Into the Deep: Diving Into a Life of Courageous Faith:
Have you read it yet? If not, you can grab your copy here.
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links to Amazon. Thanks in advance for your support!
To celebrate Lauren’s book, this week’s Five Minute Friday writing prompt is: DEEP
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Here’s Lauren:
My husband and I walked hand in hand, away from the shoreline and down Jennette’s Pier in Nags Head, North Carolina, my eyes growing wider with every step we took. The meteorologist on the morning news had warned us that Hurricane Michael was quickly approaching the Outer Banks islands, and the winds had picked up to at least 30 miles per hour.
I squeezed my man’s hand and leaned in close as the pier’s wind turbines whipped and squeaked at rapid intervals above our heads. To my left and right, the waves raged and swirled whitecaps at every angle, creating along with the wind a symphony of chaos and sound. Come midnight, Michael would hit the pier with all of its force and fury, about a month after Florence had threatened to take the islands out.
We reached the end of the pier and I stopped and stared out into the distance, marveling at the magnitude and beauty of the Atlantic stretched out before me.
How wide, how long, how high, and how deep my love is for you, daughter.
The wind and waves should have drowned out any other sound from making its way into my brain, but these words echoed crisply in my mind.
Yes, His love is stronger, wider, longer, higher and deeper than any pier, ocean or hurricane.
God’s Love Will Carry Us
I’ve spent a great deal of my life caught in what I like to call the undertow of doubt, fear and despair. When the waves of chronic pain, depression and anxiety came crashing over my head, I didn’t know how to overcome them, and so I closed myself off from receiving God’s love and believing things would get better. I heard people say His love was strong enough to save me, but after years of battling the same issues and seeing little to no progress, I had hardened my heart to the truth.
I can’t pinpoint the moment when God’s love finally broke through my incomprehension. It’s not as if I woke up one morning and instantly felt God’s love. Instead, much like my unraveling, recognizing and accepting God’s love was a process.
The more I prayed for God to reveal and help me feel His love, the more He showed up in the most amazing ways to woo me back to Him.
There’s not enough space here for me to tell you the many ways God’s love has carried me through the high sea battles I’ve faced over the years, but I will tell you this: the depths of His great love saved and continue to save me from sinking into the undertow of doubt, fear and despair every single day.
I don’t know what high sea battles you are facing today, but I do know that His love can and will carry you too. All it takes is a little courage and a tiny seed of faith that’s willing to say, “OK, God, I can’t face this storm alone, but I’m trusting You and Your love to carry me through to the other side.”
May we all have the power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ today and every day (Ephesians 3:18). And may we declare, right here and now, that the only thing we are going to drown in in this life is God’s deep love — not the deep waters that surround us.
Lauren Gaskill is the author of Into the Deep: Diving Into a Life of Courageous Faith, a national speaker and the founder of She Found Joy. Diagnosed with a connective tissue disorder (Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos), Lauren is passionate about encouraging others to fight for faith and keep hope alive — no matter what.
When she’s not writing, Lauren loves to cook, bake and go on hikes with her husband and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, who is affectionately named Reese after Lauren’s favorite candy, peanut butter cups.
Find Lauren at her website and on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.
CLICK HERE to buy Lauren’s book, Into the Deep, on Amazon.
[Tweet “This week’s @5minutefriday writing prompt is: DEEP. Come join us!”]
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Amen! I remind myself of how wide and deep God’s love is when I get all Judgey McJudgerton about other people and their decisions and circumstances. I take a deep breath and remind myself that God’s love is big enough for all of us (even judgemental Christians like me).
Having just seen the recent film ‘The Meg’, which has everything to do with ‘deep’, I was struck by the tagline:
It isn’t about who you lose. It’s about who you save.
Having run to the guns when governments stood back, and now having a houseful of rescued dogs, I can relate.
God has a deep love for us. God has a deep lobe for us. We need to get deep in the Bible.