Welcome to another round of Five Minute Friday!

If you’re new here, you can read all about how the link-up works right over here. This link-up will be open until 9:55pm EST on Thursday, June 22nd, 2017, then a new prompt and link-up will be shared for the next week.

Also, be sure to take advantage of the amazing writing shared in this link-up! Click around and make new friends. 🙂

[Tweet “It’s Five Minute Friday time! Come stretch your #writing muscles with us.”]

Christian writing lifeThis week’s prompt is: WORTH

Ready? GO. 

I’ll admit it.

Sometimes I wonder if the Christian writing life is really worth it.

There, I said it.

I sit in my chair, defeated, the blinking cursor taunting me with its silence. Do my words even matter? I should just give up now, I think to myself. Nobody would even notice. I mean really, would anyone even care?

That’s right about when God elbows me in the ribs.

Though I pray my words will be a blessing to those who read, that’s really not why I write. Not the only reason, at least.

Yes, I’m writing for you — but really, I’m not. I write in a meager, humble attempt to honor and obey the Giver of the gift. If I let it lay dormant, how would it bring Him glory? If I push His gift into a drawer and slam it shut, am I not like the one who buried his talent?

So I pray for grace and I pray for perseverance and patience and endurance, and courage and wisdom and discernment and all the things I surely don’t have on my own.

And I keep showing up, I keep pounding out words, I keep praying He’ll use them.

Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your name be the glory (Psalm 115:1).

So is it worth it, dear friend?

A thousand yeses. Your work matters, not because of your page views or Twitter followers, but because of your desire to be a faithful steward.



Oh, and I almost forgot! Some of you asked for a button you could share on your own website. Go ahead and save this image, then pop it into your sidebar and/or the body of your FMF posts. 🙂

five minute friday

Now it’s your turn!

[Tweet “Come write with us! This week’s prompt is: WORTH (via @5minutefriday)”]

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