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This week’s FMF prompt is: BLESSING

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Count Your Blessings

I know it’s going to be hard to limit ourselves to only five minutes of writing on the word, BLESSING, but here goes …


This past week, nothing particularly out of the ordinary has happened, and yet I’ve been completely overwhelmed by the Lord’s goodness. Perhaps it is in the very ordinary-ness of life and the grace bestowed in each breath and moment that leaves me in awe.

Though I never “officially” took part in Ann Voskamp’s One Thousand Gifts challenge, I think of her book now as I sift through the many blessings I could count. More than I can count, to be sure.

I have a family. We have a house. We have good health. I get to work from home. My co-workers amaze me with their kindness, graciousness, and generosity every day.

I get to worship without fear of persecution, and with a loving church family. I have food to eat. I have a Bible. I have several Bibles. I can read. I have a car and money for gas and insurance. I have an education. My kids are getting an education. I can see and hear and taste and smell and feel.

And the greatest, undeserved blessings of all: I know Jesus. And He loved me so much He died for me.


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What about you? What happens when you count your blessings? 

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