
Welcome to this week’s installment of the Five Minute Friday link-up! 

If you’re new to FMF, you can learn more about the link-up right over here.

I’m still riding the wave of post-retreat euphoria … Thank you to all who prayed for the Five Minute Friday Retreat that took place this past weekend. It truly was an amazing time, and I’m so thankful to the Lord for the way it all came together.


Five Minute Friday Retreat


Be sure to come back on Monday for more photos and to read reflections about the retreat in a special edition link-up for the attendees! 



This week’s Five Minute Friday prompt is: INSPIRE

[Tweet “Join @5minutefriday as we write for five minutes on the prompt, INSPIRE.”]

Ready? GO … 


My daughter turned twelve yesterday. All she wanted to do for her birthday was to ride a horse. Of course, horse riding is not an inexpensive endeavor, but it just so happens that my aunt owns a horse, and was gracious enough to let my daughter ride.

She’ll remember it forever.


After the horse riding adventure, we walked through a quaint little town neighboring the stables. We strolled and window shopped until my kids stopped in front of an art gallery, their mouths gaping open at the quality of art they saw inside. “Please can we go in?” they begged. We opened the door, and all that followed were “ooh’s” and “aah’s” and “whoa, look at that!”

In fact, my daughter was so impressed that she decided to use some of her birthday money to buy a sketchbook with a landscape sunset print on the cover, complete with five pencils and an eraser.


This past weekend, we had our second ever Five Minute Friday Retreat. It was wonderful. Every single one of those ladies in attendance inspires me. They inspire me to dig deeper into community, to listen better, to improve my craft, to give more.

Wherever you are, whatever you have to offer, you never know how or when you’re going to inspire someone.

Maybe you own a horse and you accidentally burn a lifelong memory into the heart of a 12-year-old girl. Maybe you own a set of oil paints and some blank canvases and you labor alone until someone stops to notice. Maybe you risk traveling on your own to spend a weekend with a group of people you’ve never met, just because you’re curious or crave connection.

Whatever it is that the Lord has place in your heart to do, do it with all your might. Sing your song. Paint your picture. Shine your light. 

[Tweet “Sing your song. Paint your picture. Shine your light. You never know who you might inspire.”]



Oh, and psst … if you’re looking for some practical inspiration for your blog, I’m currently loving Creative Market. 

They send six free goodies every Monday via email. Check it out here! (affiliate link)


Creative Market


It’s your turn! Share your own five minutes of free writing on your own blog, then come back and link up here! And don’t forget to leave a comment on the site linked up before yours! 

Thanks for being here!

[Tweet “It’s @5minutefriday time! Come write with us! The prompt? INSPIRE.”]

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