It’s been a week, hey?

I’d love to hear some highlights of your week in the comments because we can never hear enough good news, right?

For now we’re carving out five minutes of our lives to tap feverishly at our keyboards in what we call the Five Minute Friday weekly link-up. If you’re new, welcome! If you’ve been here 101 times, welcome to you, too! (And yes, Five Minute Friday has been going for well over 101 weeks, so it’s possible!) 😉

To learn more about the weekly link-up and how it all works, visit this page. 

We write fast and free, then support and encourage one another by reading and commenting on other posts that have linked up. It’s such a great way to meet new blogging friends and read amazing writing!

This week’s FMF prompt is: SPEAK




[Tweet “It’s @5minutefriday time! This week’s #writing prompt is: SPEAK. Come join us!”]

Here we go! 3, 2, 1 … BEGIN.

Sometimes I think we forget how much power the tongue holds.

[Tweet “”Death and life are in the power of the tongue …” ~ Proverbs 18:21a”]

Many of us have a tendency to speak flippantly and without much thought or care.

Perhaps it’s a self-control issue, or maybe it’s a matter of the heart.

[Tweet “”Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.” ~ Luke 6:45b”]

The thing is, as Christians, we have a command to go and speak. We are told to be tellers.

But how do we know when it’s time to speak and when to remain silent? And if we discern that it’s time to speak, how do we know what words to say?

I cringe sometimes on social media in particular when I see dear brothers and sisters lashing out with unfiltered words in attack of another.

[Tweet “Does it require greater boldness and self-control to speak up, or to hold your tongue?”]

I wonder if they’d be so bold or rash in a face-to-face conversation. I doubt it. And it pains me.

We have a command to tell, to speak, to share … but does that mean we have to open our mouths all the time?

I think of James 1:19 …

[Tweet “”… Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry …” ~ James 1:19″]

Slow to speak. Slow to get angry. Quick to listen.

Yes, when the time is right and the words are laced with grace and truth, by all means, speak. But in every other situation? Practice listening.


[Tweet “#Writers and #bloggers: Join us for @5minutefriday as we write on the prompt, SPEAK!”]

What are your thoughts on the word, SPEAK? Share them in the link-up below, then visit your link-up neighbor to speak an encouraging word!


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