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This week’s Five Minute Friday prompt is: NEIGHBOR
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This past week has seen some incredible devastation from Hurricane Harvey. Photographs that don’t even seem real continue to fill my newsfeed. Every time I think it can’t possibly get worse, it does.
And yet, there have been equally incredible stories and photographs of people coming together. People literally linking arms in human chains to rescue complete strangers.
I saw this tweet from Beth Moore and couldn’t agree more:
In preparation of this post, I thought of one of our FMF sisters who lives in Texas, north of the flooding. Without a moment’s hesitation, she swung her door wide open for anyone to take shelter in her home.
Would I be so quick to do the same? I hope so.
I think of the chapter I contributed to the book, Craving Connection, about a hungry mama who came to my gate in Cape Town asking for food. I handed a plastic bag of dry goods over the gate without even unlocking it.
Looking back, I wish I had opened the gate. Invited her in. I wish seen her as a neighbor, not an inconvenience.
In the book, I write that love is being willing to inconvenience yourself for the sake of another — and finding joy in it.
And that’s what I’ve seen happening this past week — people emulating Love.
[Tweet “How can you be a good neighbor today? “]
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Kate, it has been amazing to read stories and see pictures of the devastation in Texas. I have a friend who lives an hour north of Houston, and she—and others—have been in my prayers.
Sometimes being a neighbor does require us to set aside our plans to show Jesus’ love to others.
I love Beth Moore’s tweet and yes, this week has shown the very best of people. It has been amazing. Prayers all around for those still dealing with so much devastation and loss.
Great post, Kate…though for me, at least, Beth Moore’s point wasn’t always true.
I’ve done things that were considered ‘brave’ to the point of lunacy, but I never WANTED to be there. It was something that just had to be done; there’s no room for nobility when people are shooting at you. (Especially if they hope they wound you, whereupon the local ladies can come out with knives, and really mess up your day.)
I so often wished it could be someone else instead of me! Reminds me of the Casting Crowns song, “Voice of Truth”.
One line has “the sound of a thousand warriors, shaking in their armour and wishing they had the strength to stand.”
I always mentally re-write it as “…wishing that they’d had the sense to stay home.” Needless to say, sharing that didn’t make me very popular at home or at church.
It’s really all about where you are, and the fact that not acting is just that little bit worse than acting.
I like this word prompt, Kate! Thanks for the word the Lord was already using to stir my thoughts…
Bless you, with great JOY!
Thank you so much Kate for your care and attention to this community. I have felt welcome and blessed not only by my neighbors each week but also by you. Blessings, Julie
Perfect word for this week, Kate! Hurricane Harvey and its aftermath has been on the minds of our family as well. Friends and family were affected in various ways; evacuation, rescue, “spared” to help neighbors. Just yesterday I checked on my brother’s family, and they were helping neighbors remove wet carpet and sheetrock from their homes. It’s messy—dirty faith—this loving our neighbor business.
Kate, I wrote about how I have done pretty much the same. Loving, at an arm’s length away. Even hiding sometimes. (ack!) The love shown in Houston’s disaster challenges me to open my gates as well. Thank you for your candidness. Also, love your new short hair pic. Pink is your color!
Kate, ” love is being willing to inconvenience yourself for the sake of another — and finding joy in it.” I love this!
Kaaaate!! This word? This week? (Hit me HARD and I will be thinking about this for a while…)
That is what I want to do, Kate. I want to open the gate. Currently my neighbors are few and far between as weekend visitors flood in and out of the woods in which we live. There aren’t a of chances to serve one another there, but at work I am doing my best with the calls I get for prayer or that turn into prayer. I have definitely noticed as I have worked in ministry that by going a few steps farther for someone enables them to come to meet you. As I have just listened and responded with a kindness, you really see hearts open up.
I have been meaning to pick up Craving Connection, and I’ll be honest, I keep waiting for the time I move into a real neighborhood. I think I need to take the leap.
Kate, I love that you share it all with your readers…even the mistakes you have made. It is so refreshing to hear someone putting it all out there and trusting God to protect her heart. I know it’s not easy, but as someone who tends to write from the real, raw, hard side of things, I am encouraged by your openness.