It’s link-up time!
If you’re new to the Five Minute Friday scene, welcome! Learn more about how the link-up works by clicking here.
Before we write, I have exciting news! I just found out about a series of free webinars coming up next week that just might solve some of the blogging challenges you’re facing.
Check out these great topics:
On Monday at 8pm EST, Crystal Paine (a.k.a. Money Saving Mom and Your Blogging Mentor) is presenting on “3 Strategies to Start the Blog You’ve Been Dreaming Of.”
If you consider yourself a beginning blogger, you’ll definitely want to register for Crystal Paine’s free webinar on 3 Strategies to Start the Blog You’ve Been Dreaming Of.
On Tuesday at 7pm EST, Amy Lynn Andrews is offering a super helpful webinar called “10 Ways to Make Your Life Easier as a Blogger.” (Who doesn’t want this, right?)
Register for Amy Lynn Andrews’ free webinar, “10 Ways to Make Your Life Easier as a Blogger.”
Or maybe you’ve struggled with work-life balance (haven’t we all)? Ryan and Stephanie Langford will be sharing their story, struggles, and solutions in their webinar, “5 Ways to Improve Your Blog/Life Balance (and What We’ve Learned from 10 Years, 5 Kids, and 4 Businesses).”
Register here for the work-life balance webinar (Wednesday at 7pm ET).
And I’ve heard amazing things about this one:
If you’re ready to start making better money for the time you put into your blog, you’ll want to check out Rosemarie Groner’s webinar on “Chasing ROI: How To Maximize Your Blogging Income When You’re Tight on Time.” This webinar (Thursday at 7pm ET) will show you where to spend your time to have the greatest impact on your revenue.
Sign up here to learn how to maximize your blogging income.
Each of these will only be offered once, so choose the one (or maybe even two) that sound most relevant to where you are in your blogging journey and go sign up now so you don’t miss out!
There’s still time to sign up for this year’s edition of
31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes!
Here are the prompts we’ll be writing on this year, beginning Sunday, October 1st:
Get the downloadable, printable version of the prompts HERE
[Tweet “Sign up for 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes with @5minutefriday!”]
This week’s Five Minute Friday prompt is: DEPEND
[Tweet “Join @5minutefriday as we write for five minutes on the prompt, DEPEND.”]
Ready? GO.
I have the privilege of serving at the Maranatha Christian Writer’s Conference this weekend in Muskegon, Michigan.
As I prepared for the conference, it was easy to slip into my usual “get things checked off my list” mode: prepare my presentation, save to flash drive, print my handouts, pack my stuff, make sure the kids have everything they’ll need for school while I’m gone, write down the grocery list, sign the permission slips, fold the laundry.
Without thinking, I operated from an “I can do this myself” mentality — just like my youngest used to tell me when he was two: “I do it!” Or my daughter when she was the same age, “All by myself!”
How easily I forget that I am completely and utterly dependent on the One who gives me life and breath and everything else. He could take away my voice overnight if He wanted to. He could allow my car to roll off the highway or send me a flat tire to disrupt my plans.
Without His grace and abundant provision, I accomplish nothing. I am nothing.
[Tweet “”Without His grace and abundant provision, I accomplish nothing. I am nothing.” ~@k8motaung”]
So as I go into this weekend, may I remember that I am but dust. Lord, it’s a scary prayer to pray, but please do what it takes to keep me humble, that I might always remember how much I need You.
[Tweet “Come write with us! It’s @5minutefriday time and the prompt is: DEPEND”]
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.

Oh, how I can relate to that desire to be dependable, Kate. But we so often forget that we are supposed to be the ones depending on God. 🙂 I had just recently spoken of this to a friend. We’re a toddler, sitting on our Father’s throne. He says, “You’re cute. Now get down and let Daddy sit where He belongs.” 🙂
Praying for you this weekend. You will bring much!
Awww, Kate. I so get this! By nature, I am an independent woman. But this collides with the idea that God wants me to depend on Him. Remembering how He graces us with so much of what we want/need (no flat tires, etc), that all good things, and plans come from Him is key, isn’t it?
Loved your post, my friend. And, I hope you’re having an amazing time!!
I’ll be praying for you too, Kate.
And the folks attending the conference are lucky to have you.
Good morming Kate, I pray your weekend is a joy as I pray He is your strength. I struggle too to let Him lead. Blessings, Julie
Thank you, Julie!
Kate, “Break a leg.” Is that okay to say before a conference? 😉 Do good, girl!
Our oldest son said, “I do it mineself!” And our youngest son would disregard the clothes I set out for him and come downstairs wearing his own picks. Always interesting. Thanks for bringing me back to beautiful memories!
May God bless your desire to depend on Him for the conferences.