I had the amazing opportunity to attend and present three times at the Breathe Christian Writers Conference this past weekend. It was fabulous. My tank is so full.

This morning during our adult Sunday school class, my husband asked another attendee to thank God for the conference and to pray for the ministry of writing. I closed my eyes and was so moved by his prayer for Christian writers:

“Insight them Lord, to search out your truth. Help them proclaim absolute truth. Guide them as they guide and usher people into the throne room to be nearest to their Savior.”

He had no idea that today’s prompt for 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes was truth.




During the final keynote session at the conference, author and speaker Leslie Leyland Fields shared a powerful message.



Based on her exhortation, I offer this continuation to the prayer above:

Lord, help us as Christian writers to listen to your Word. Cause the words you give us to do their work in our own lives before we release them into the world. Make our writing our prayer. Cause us to write and live in such a way that others will say, ‘A writer who loves God and us is among us.’

Make us obedient to your call. Use your Son, the Word made flesh, to meet us through your Word and shape our own words.



This post is part of the series, 31 Days in the Life of a Christian Writer. Want to read more? Visit the Table of Contents by clicking here.


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