It’s Five Minute Friday time!

Thrilled to have you join us as we write for five minutes on the prompt, DISCOVER:




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[Tweet “What comes to mind when you think of the word, DISCOVER? Share with us in five minutes or less @5minutefriday!”]

Ready to write? Here we go …

I love watching kids discover new things. It doesn’t matter if they’re a few months old discovering their own toes for the first time, or in double digits discovering how to play trumpet — there’s a certain sense of wonder that accompanies discovery.

Why (and how) do we lose this sense of wonder and discovery as we become adults?

As writers, let’s commit to claiming it back. Yes, it will feel unnatural at first. Yes, it will be awkward and a drag since we’re so out of practice.

But let’s commit to slowing down, taking in a deep breath, absorbing our surroundings.

Let’s take time to observe.

[Tweet “Slow down. Take a deep breath. Absorb your surroundings. Take time to observe.”]

Careful observation is such a vital aspect of the writing life, and one that I think often gets pushed aside in today’s hustle. When schedules burst at the seams, who has time to pay attention?

May it not be so.

We’re living our lives in fast motion and failing to drink in the beauty of the moment.

Find a kid — maybe in your own house, maybe at church, maybe across the street or at a park — and watch them discover. Watch them feel the sand between their toes, listen to them gargle water just to laugh at the sound when they’re supposed to be sitting quietly at the dinner table.

Watch them, learn, and do likewise.



[Tweet “Come write with us! This week’s @5minutefriday prompt is: DISCOVER”]

Join us with your own five minutes of free writing by linking up your post below! 


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