Hello! Welcome to our weekly Five Minute Friday blog link-up. Today also happens to be Day 27 of the Write 31 Days Challenge. For anyone participating: We’re almost there! You got this!
This week’s FMF prompt is: OVERCOME
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The writing life can be downright discouraging at times.
We may face rejection letter after rejection. People might leave critical comments about words we’ve written or leave nasty reviews for our books on Amazon.
We run out of motivation and steam.
We lack time, we lack energy.
We grow weary. We want to give up.
We feel overcome.
But take heart! The One who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.
In this world we will have trouble, yes — but He has overcome!
And if you are in Him and He is in you, you have overcome, too. Your victory might not look exactly the way you hope or expect in this life. You might not score that dream job or land that book contract. But you have overcome.
Bind yourself to the anchor of hope, and let Him keep you standing firm. Do not give in to the voices in your head that whisper defeat.
Take your stand, sing your note, play your part.
I just got back from my kids’ choir and band concert, and it occurred to me that we all have a role to play. We all have a part to sing. We all have unique notes — harmonies and melodies, solos and duets. And we need every voice and every instrument.
United we stand.
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I so enjoyed your analogy of all of our harmonies and melodies and solos and duets!!!
Thank you for encouragement and the pep talk to persevere.
oh, he is indeed Kate… he is always greater than what we face, we just too often forget it.
Beautiful, Kate. I’m definitely in a place where I have days where I feel overcome by life, discouragement, and crazy schedules. God has been reminding me that we are overcomers in Him. I’m so thankful He strengthens and refreshes us so we can live out our roles.
There are people who tell me, “Give up, already! We’re TIRED of watching you suffer!”
But I don’t know how to spell ‘cerendur’, and I don’t now how to lose. Those were never taught at Scout/Sniper.
On that great gittin’-up day, I’ll still be here.
“Take your stand, sing your note, play your part.” You are standing firm, singing your note and playing your part. I’m sure it is painful to continue standing, but you’re part – you’re life is important.
“Take your stand, sing your note, play your part.”
YES! Thank you for helping me to persevere – to see I can overcome… the deeper fear rather than the thing that looks like the obstacle…
BLess you all, and Kate, you especially!
I love this – clearly thinking along same terms this morning. I didn’t even read you post, before I wrote mine for the word “overcome” today. Clearly, there is someone who desperately needs to hear that God is for them, with them, and has overcome everything just for them. Thanks for sharing your heart!
Tears to go with this post today. Thank you for encouraging us to do our part. I am going to share a quote from your post on Facebook!
Thanks for the encouraging post!
i like the word for today kate:) your post was wonderful as well. i read it after i write my post but we had a number of parallels. i tried to stay with my month’s theme of writing for caretakers. i managed to find a way:) it didn’t hurt that my husband passed out this afternoon and fell…probably from low blood sugar, not a stroke this time. still did quite a number on me in terms of an adrenaline hit! felt like a dishrag last nite:(
knowing we are overcomers is encouraging for sure!
overcome I know just what pops in my head with this word. my husband and I have been house hunting all summer. Last time we moved we were still packing the day we needed to be out. This time I decided to start packing early. But plans don’t always go as you’d hope. I watched my brother’s dog for a week. I now have fleas just embarrassing to put in words for people to read. It’s been a real struggle. Since I’m someone that cannot stand Bugs. I’ve just been in a very dark place because of this. I know God’s there and I know eventually this will pass. I definitely want to be an overcomer in this area of my life.
I do have a confession to make…
Last night I quickly glanced at the post to see what the word prompt would be for today. The word that stuck in my brain was “community”. SO I went to bed praying over the book of Ruth in relationship to “community”. When I turned on my computer this morning and it registered with me the word was {overcome} I really needed to pray. The scripture in John 16 – v. 33 – was the one that came to mind first. I used in my post. Later today a Facebook memory post from 3 years ago popped up on my timeline and the scripture I posted 3 years ago today was John 16:33
I mean is God in the details or what???
This is my very first time I have written in the 5 minute Friday posts. I hope by next Friday I will have my blog corrected and ready to put it on there. For now Kate said put it here 🙂
I have thought of posting here since I first heard of it. The timer for 5 minutes is on, and overcome is a word that may have been the motivator!
I had to overcome, get over, move past, say good bye to fear! What if people think what I write is stupid? Well how do I overcome that? Does overcome mean letting go of fear of man? Is it a step of faith that may be the requirement of “to overcome”? Maybe…
…What does a step of faith look like when the word overcome arises off the paper? What does overcome mean around my world in other people?
Overcome would be task I noticed in a young woman yesterday as she took the time to appear on the sidewalk of the local abortion clinic to pray. She was tempted by a fight with her daughter and an empty gas tank in her car to stay home. Was that faith or overcoming that brought her there at just the right time to turn a young woman away from choosing abortion that day?
Overcome would be a task for a man I know that lies in the hospital every day since his bicycle accident happened. Or again, is it faith to hope, put on the armor and overcome our doubts and walk in obedience to the orders of a physical therapist.
Why are we even able to overcome, or yes choose faith? Who overcame the world? John 16:33
I’m pretty sure the tears I cried while reading your story came from my own ‘overcome’ and I decided to follow Jesus right out of the dilemma. Like you said …..Do not give in to the voices in your head that whisper defeat.
I did the 5 minute Friday for the first time in …. well, I’m not even going to say because that would only overcome me again.
Need this one, Kate. Thank you.
Thank you, Kate, for that encouraging message. I only wrote a few posts for the 31 Day challenge, but that was more than I had written in about three years. I feel encouraged and determined to resurrect my blog Encouraging Words and Music which fell into shambles somehow since I became a caregiver for my husband. I am gifted by the Lord as an encourager–but I needed encouragement. Lord willing, I can continue to restructure my time and alter my habits so I can use the talents He’s granted for His glory. Thank you for all your work as a wonderful encourager, Kate!