

As Christian writers, we long for our words to make a positive impact on the world — to give hope, comfort, and encouragement. We often focus on our audience and pray for our work to find a soft place to land — a receptive heart or two who will be changed by the perspective we’ve shared.

But we sometimes neglect one aspect.

Perhaps the greatest work our writing can achieve is the work it does in our own souls.

[Tweet “”Perhaps the greatest work our writing can achieve is the work it does in our own souls.” ~@k8motaung”]

Yes, we should pray for those who read our words. I do. But we should also pray that God would use the process itself to refine us.

Lord, use the gift of writing in my life to smooth over the sharp edges, to polish rough surfaces, to purify the blemishes within me.  

Use it to convict and sanctify me. Confront me with your truth. Do your work in my heart first. Make me feel every truth deep within, not just on the surface. Let my actions match my words. 

Change my heart, O God. Make it soft and receptive. Don’t let my heart grow cold or hardened. Don’t let me be led astray by the culture or lured by the desire for fame. Purify me. Refine me. Restore the joy of my salvation. 

Let me write for You alone and seek first Your kingdom, Your righteousness, Your glory. 

For Your name’s sake alone. 




This is Day 30 of the series 31 Days in the Life of a Christian Writer, written in five minutes flat as part of the 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes Challenge. 

See more posts in this series here. 


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