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This week’s FMF prompt is: SILENCE




[Tweet “Join @5minutefriday as we write for five minutes on the prompt, SILENCE.”]

Ready? GO.

I work full-time from home, and often I’ll do a load (or four) of laundry during the day while I work. As my fingers clack away at my keyboard, the washing machine churns and swishes and chugs along, doing what it’s supposed to do.

I don’t always notice it, until it stops.

Suddenly, there is silence.

And every time the machine stops, I subconsciously sigh in relief: Phew. That obnoxious noise is gone.

I didn’t even realize how much the sound of the washing machine grates on me, raises my tension level, and hinders my concentration until it’s gone.

Then there is peace.

A friend recently challenged me to sit in stillness with God. She pointed out the fact that in general as a society, we are not good at being still. I’ll be the first to raise my hand in that confession.

I decided to take on the challenge — and I’m embarrassed to admit how difficult it was to be still.

I wanted to be doing something, reading something, typing something, fidgeting with something — even folding clean laundry.

The difficulty of the challenge convicted me.

Without the practice of stillness and silence before the Lord, how will I hear Him? How will I receive His guidance and direction and wisdom that I ask Him for, if I’m not quiet enough or patient enough to wait for His response?

And what’s just as scary — am I even noticing how much the noise of daily life is hindering my focus and elevating my tension?

Like my reaction to the washing machine, do I even realize how much the busyness and demands of a full schedule are negatively impacting my receptiveness to the Lord?


[Tweet “A Challenge for You: Take five minutes to be silent before the Lord today.”]

Related post: The Many Sounds of Silence 


Link up your own five minute free write below, then visit your link-up neighbor to leave an encouraging comment!

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