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This week’s FMF prompt is: ONLY




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This past weekend we had the delightful privilege of having dear South African friends staying with us for a few days. The husband preached at our wedding in Cape Town over 13 years ago, and the wife (pictured below) sang during the ceremony.

We haven’t seen them for over five years.



It was such a blessing to be together again, swapping stories, laughing until our stomachs hurt, crying and praying together — and singing. I begged them to sing, and oh, they didn’t disappoint.

Watch the video on Facebook



I’ve had South African songs playing on repeat in my mind for the past several days, and it has been glorious.

They even had a spontaneous opportunity to sing in front of our church here in Michigan. Our pastor called them to the front to show the congregation how different cultures worship differently.

Our friends started by singing the traditional version of “Blessed Assurance,” then they “took it to Africa” with a much more upbeat, lively tune. When they finished, our pastor challenged the congregation: “Which one is right? … They’re both right!”

Yes, we serve and praise one God as one body with one voice, and yes, there is only one way to the Father — that is, through Jesus Christ — but within these perimeters, our creative Creator gives us so much freedom of expression. We can be united in the midst of our diversity.

[Tweet “”We can be united in the midst of our diversity.” ~@k8motaung”]

And that, my friends, is a beautiful thing.


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