Hey friends! Happy March! If you’re in the northern hemisphere, here’s to longer days and warmer temperatures! 😉

If you’re new to the Five Minute Friday community, a special welcome to you! We’re so glad you’re here!

You can learn more about the link-up and how it works right over here: https://fiveminutefriday.com/linkup/

Before we get started, I’m so excited to share the news with you that my memoir, A Place to Land, is now available for purchase!

I recently spent an afternoon signing books at Discovery House, and they’re on sale for just $9.99 for a signed copy while supplies last!



CLICK HERE TO GRAB A COPY (or two or five)


[Tweet “Get a signed copy of @k8motaung’s #memoir, A Place to Land, for just $9.99 @DiscoveryHouse!”]


For our regular five minute free writing challenge, we’re going deep this week. Are you ready?

This week’s FMF prompt is: REGRET



[Tweet “What comes to mind when you think of the word, REGRET? Share with us in five minutes or less.”]

Setting my timer for five minutes, and … GO.

I have many regrets.

I wrote about several of them in my book. Some early readers have already asked, “How did you deal with writing about your own struggles with sin? Aren’t you embarrassed to share those parts of your story?”

Here’s the thing: That’s not who I am anymore.

Because God has helped me to work through those particular issues and because I’ve asked for His forgiveness and can trust that He has graciously granted it to me because of His Son’s sacrifice on the cross, I no longer need to feel shame over those choices from my past.

They’re covered. Gone.

As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed my transgressions from me. Certainly not from anything that I’ve done, but purely because of His amazing grace.

Trust me, there are plenty of other embarrassing things I chose not to include in the book, and maybe someday it will be time to tell some of those stories, too.

But for now, I can trust and rest in His grace and forgiveness and not worry about what other people will think. Some will be surprised by what they read, I’m sure. That’s okay. I’m covered by His grace and redemption.

There’s an unhelpful teaching or belief that’s making the rounds these days, and that’s the notion that I need to forgive myself. That’s simply untrue. Where in the Bible does it say we need to forgive ourselves? And how can we do that, anyway, if we are unable to offer the perfect sacrifice required for complete forgiveness?

Our job is not to forgive ourselves. Our job is not to wallow in regret. Our job is to repent of our own sin, to sincerely ask for forgiveness based on the grace of Christ alone, and to trust that His forgiveness is enough.

The end.


[Tweet “Join @5minutefriday as we write for five minutes on the prompt, REGRET.”]

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