Welcome to another round of Five Minute Friday — a.k.a. the weekly writing challenge where we huddle around a single word prompt and type our hearts out for five minutes flat.

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Ready to write?

This week’s Five Minute Friday prompt is: PROVIDE




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I could fill entire libraries with stories of God’s faithful and gracious provision. Scores of libraries, in fact.

And yet I still forget.

I still forget that He never fails to provide abundantly more than all I can ask or imagine.

I still fret and lay awake at night, stressing over that one thing I forgot to do and the 89 other things still on my To Do List. Because if I don’t do them, then who will? and what then?

My fears reveal a deeper truth: I don’t trust that God will provide.

Of course we can’t take this truth flippantly as an excuse to sit back and do nothing. Obviously He’s not going to wave a magic wand to grant us our every wish as we sit on the couch watching Netflix.

But it does mean that we can rest easy, knowing that whatever purposes He has planned will prevail.


RELATED POST: Teaching Kids about God’s Providence (a.k.a. that time we reeeaallly wanted to go boating, but . . . )


Take my current book launch, for example.

My book released five weeks early on Amazon without warning. This minor glitch (or blessing?) threw me into a tailspin.

I had plans. I had a schedule. I wasn’t ready. I missed my window of opportunity to push for the ever-important pre-orders.

(And yes, I did cry about it briefly one morning, but don’t tell anyone.)

My husband quickly reminded me that even with the early, unexpected release, my book is still in the world and people will still read it.

And it’s true. Ultimately, the sales or potential success of this memoir are not up to me — God will provide the readers He sees fit when He sees fit to do so. He knows exactly who needs to read it, when, and why. And if the book doesn’t do well according to industry standards, well, that’s His good and gracious provision as well.

I can do my part, but the ultimate outcomes are up to Him.



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Want a signed copy of A Place to Land for just $9.99? 

Order here while supplies last. 


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