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I’m so glad you’ve popped over for this week’s edition of the Five Minute Friday blog link-up. If you’re new here, an extra special welcome to you! I hope you grow to love this community as much as I do.
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This week’s Five Minute Friday writing prompt is: COMPLETE
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Ready? GO.
This weekend marks seven years since my mom passed away. Seven years. Can it really be that long?
It’s also the first anniversary of her death since my book released — the memoir about me living overseas while my mom endured cancer for years before the Lord called her home.
This year was also the first Mother’s Day I experienced after the release of my book. And I noticed a significant difference in my processing and response on that usually emotional day. As if knowing that the story has been captured and recorded for the sake of posterity brought a sort of comfort.
A kind of completion.
Now I can rest easier, knowing I don’t risk forgetting — because even when I do, I can always go back and read what I wrote.
What I wrote about what happened this week seven years ago.
Seven, sometimes known as the number of completion.
And while I know my grief will never be complete until I see Jesus face to face, there is certainly a comfort and peace about having those memories documented. They’re in print, and no longer at the mercy of my feeble and fading mind.
Sometimes, this is why we write.
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There’s still time to jump in and join the 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes writing challenge!
We start October 1st and write every day for . . . you guessed it, 31 days straight. You in?
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Join this week’s blog link-up by clicking the blue “Add your link” button below, then visit your link-up neighbor to leave an encouraging comment!

I’m so sorry for your loss, Kate. Writing helps us process, remember, and complete an important work of healing. You mother’s legacy lives on in the pages of your book and the words you speak.
So sorry for the loss, Kate.
And ain’t nuthin’ ’bout you what’s feeble. Noway, nohow, never.
My Mom died on 9/20/2010. I love your expression of your growth. I have felt the same as I also celebrated on 9/13/2012 the death of my husband. It is so interesting that there is a connection between my writing and these anniversaries. Thanks for sharing your heart.
So sorry for your losses, Karen! May you continue to sense the Lord’s presence as you draw near to Him. Thank you for being here. Every blessing to you!
I read an eye-opening devotional that was so simple yet taught me a great lesson. While I’ve always paid special attention to the action words that God uses in the Scriptures. This lesson focused on the tense, or rather the observation that God’s promises to us occur in the past tense. As in when He instructed Joshua to silently lead the Israelites around Jericho seven times because “I have delivered Jericho into your hands”. This is a past tense statement, the victory is complete. God is the victor, we only have to be obedient to His leading.
This season that I am in is hard. I’ve struggled with my husband’s health and his seeming lack of concern and procrastination. Now, once again, he has suffered more heart complications but this time, the doctors cannot fix it. I am a complete mess! Torn between anger for my husband’s lack of effort and the realization that I could very soon be alone. I am admonished to complete my vows, and to not allow my heartache to make a complete ruin of what is left of our time.
I know that my God, completes me. Not my husband, not my kids, my GOD. He will be with me no matter what. He will not leave me and although I dread the coming time that seems to be looming over us; I know that it too is a completion. A completion of God’s promise that He has prepared a place for us. Even when the final breath is breathed, I can rest and have peace that at the completion of my time on this earth, I will see him again. I cling to My God and seek His constant assurance during my struggles and I know that He is my Anchor. He completes me.
Oh Sharon, I’m so sorry to hear about the dark and difficult providence! May you know the Lord’s comfort now and always, may His mercies be new every morning, and may His sufficient grace sustain you. xx
Feeble? I think not. My mom went to glory almost 6 years. SHE IS NOW COMPLETE. And, probably having a cuppa with YOUR MOM today. Blessed.
Dear Kate, I also wrote about grief. A sister-in-Christ went home this week. I look forward to seeing her in Heaven. Writing about it comforted me. Because, like you wrote: Sometimes, this is why we write.
Blessings & hugs as you remember your mom ~ Wendy Mac
There are no words that I can offer, other than to say that I again ask Jesus to grace you with a special sense of His presence today. He sees, He knows. He loves you.
My dad passed away in September 2014. I feel complete now that he went to heaven.