This is Day 2 of the 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes Challenge, as well as my own personal series, 31 Days to Telling Your Story. Find links to the other posts in this series here.
Today we’re talking about overcoming fear in the writing life. I’m sure you can’t relate at all, right?
Take a moment to reflect on this question and answer it honestly before the Lord:
What keeps you from sharing your story with other people?
I’m going to make the wild guess that your answer can somehow be linked back to one word: FEAR.
At least that’s the case in my experience. Whenever I talk with others about sharing their story, the most common culprit that holds them back is fear:
Fear of being ridiculed or teased
Fear of being misunderstood
Fear of being ignored
Fear of being vulnerable and exposed
Our hesitancy to share our story usually boils down to a fear of what other people will think.
Here’s the reality: We’re human. Fears are going to come. When they do, name them. Identify them. Create a plan of attack against them.
And what’s the best plan of attack for overcoming fear?
The Word of God.
When we realize we’re battling fear, the best place to turn is to the Scriptures. I’ve been amazed recently by how many times the Lord gives the direct antidote to fear in His Word. On so many occasions when He says, “Do not fear,” those words are followed with, “. . . for I am with you.”
We don’t need to fear anything in this life if we belong to Him, for He is with us. That means we also don’t have to fear what other people will think of us or our story. We can fight fear with faith in the One who wrote it, trusting that He has a plan and purpose for how He will use it to His glory.
What are your best tips and tricks for overcoming fear in the writing life? Share your answer in the comments below!
“… God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” ~ 2 Timothy 1:7
Fear and Faith
by Trillia Newbell
Click here for more info
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Click here for the Table of Contents to read more posts in this series.
I do face some criticism about my writing life. Whenever, I am no the computer people do not assume I am writing. They think I may be goofing off. Computer time does not equal writing time to them.
I overcome this by taking time to say look at what I wrote today. What do you think? I involve others in my writing life and invite them in.
Yep! No wonder the words “do not be afraid” appear 365 time in Scripture….one for every day.
Great reminder and encouragement at this time in my life when things are changing and I am uncertain which things to take on and what things not to take on. I am afraid I cannot handle more work yet know I need more work to pay for living expenses. My body just doesn’t work quite the way it used to and I have had to slow down.
So I fear not having enough even though in scripture God reminds me over and over He is enough, and I have experienced his provision many times.
You referenced my life verse (2 Tim 1:7) today, it is an anchor to me as God continues to work on me about fear. The advice that seems to be working right now is remember I am writing in God’s power and strength, so just do it!
Your post was not linked up to the index post, but I found it! Whoo hoo! I think the key word that you mention is vulnerability. Fear makes us vulnerable in all the other ways you mention.
I feel like stepping up to the keyboard is a perpetual argument between wanting to be private and protected, and wanting to be vulnerable and connected to people. Every. Single. Time.