It’s Day 6 of 31 Days to Telling Your Story, and I’m in the process of sharing five reasons why I believe you should share your story.

Read Reason #1 from yesterday’s post here.

Today’s prompt is: BELONG




The second reason I believe you should share your story is to help people realize that they are not alone; that they belong to part of a body.

You might be surprised by how many people have had the same or very similar experiences to yours — but you won’t know that unless you become vulnerable enough to share about it.

It’s easy to tell people about the happy, exciting things in our lives, and to let them rejoice with us . . . But what about when we’re going through a trial?

There are many experiences we have that we might not talk about because they’re too painful or too embarrassing. But chances are high that others have gone through similar experiences. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says, “No temptation has seized you except that which is common to man.”

By keeping quiet about your story, are you missing an opportunity to minister to someone else?

[Tweet “”By keeping your story quiet, are you missing an opportunity to minister?” ~ @k8motaung”]

Incredible healing and comfort can take place when you walk through a trial with someone by your side.

1 Corinthians 12:26 says that if one part of the body suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.

We are meant to go through these experiences together, not alone.

Like I shared yesterday, we’re called to rejoice when others rejoice and mourn when others mourn. By sharing your story, you contribute to the body of Christ and help others see they’re not alone.

Challenge: What difficult chapter of your story is God prompting you to share with someone else?


Recommended Resource:

A Place to Land: A Story of Longing and BelongingA Place to Land


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