Today’s prompt for 31 Days to Telling Your Story is: ASK

Each post in this series has been written in five minutes flat as part of the 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes writing challenge.

Want to read more posts in this series? Click here for the Table of Contents.

just ask


We’re busy talking about how we can share our story, and specifically ways in which we can find opportunities to tell our story to others. 

This next suggestion is so simple it might seem silly, and I can’t believe I never thought to do this myself. A friend gave me this idea, and I think it’s brilliant. 

She told me that one great way to open conversation is to ask people how you can pray for them. 

Just ask. 

That’s not so scary, right? 

After you listen carefully to their answer and agree to pray, consider if there is any common thread that their prayer request shares with your own story. If you can relate to what they’ve shared and if you feel that it’s appropriate timing given the situation you’re in at the time, consider sharing a snippet of your own story, highlighting God’s hand in it. Tell them how the Lord has met a particular need of yours that relates to their prayer request. 

Obviously this suggestion isn’t meant to take the spotlight off of their need and shine it on yourself, but it might give you an opportunity to shine the spotlight on the Lord and His goodness in your life, which may in turn help your friend to better understand their Creator. 

So here’s your challenge for today: Look (and pray) for opportunities and open doors where you might be able to ask people how you can pray for them. Be bold and creative. Then, if appropriate at that time, share part of your story as a way of giving glory to God. 

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”
~ Matthew 7:7-8

Visit the Table of Contents for the rest of the posts in the series,
31 Days to Telling Your Story.


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