Today is Day 16 of 31 Days to Telling Your Story – a series of posts written in five minutes flat as part of the 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes Challenge. Read more posts from this series here.

Today’s prompt is: PRAY


prayer for wisdom


In yesterday’s post we considered the questions, “How do we know when it’s the right time to tell our story? What if we’re still in the midst of a difficult season, or our story involves other people who are still alive? What if telling our stories would risk damaging existing relationships?” 

In that post, I encouraged you and anyone else reading to pray for wisdom and discernment, to earnestly seek the Lord’s face regarding your particular situation. 

Today I’d like to offer up a prayer for wisdom for anyone who is struggling to discern whether it’s time to tell their story. Please join me if this includes you: 


A Prayer for Wisdom

Lord, I confess that I don’t have the answers. I need your help, guidance, wisdom, and direction. Help me discern whether or not you want me to share the story You’ve given me—and if so, when and where You want me to share it. 

Lord, search my heart. See if there is any offensive way in me. Show me any bitterness, anger, or animosity that I’m harbouring deep within because of past events and interactions with other people. 

Help me not to share my story out of a place of hostility or as a form of gossip. 

Give me Your wisdom and help me to share the story You’ve given me for Your glory, not my own. 

And if You don’t want me to share my story now, Lord, give me patience and understanding. Help me to be obedient to Your will. Make Your will my own. I am Your instrument. 

In Jesus’ name, 



Want to read more posts in this series?
Click here for the Table of Contents and links to each post.



The Art of Spiritual Writing
by Vinita Hamptom Wright


art of spiritual writing



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