Today’s prompt for 31 Days to Telling Your Story is: AUDIENCE.

Each post in this series has been written in five minutes flat as part of the 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes writing challenge.

Want to read more posts in this series? Click here for the Table of Contents.


target audience


In yesterday’s post from this series, I encouraged you to consider who your target audience might be. Who might you share your story with? Who are you trying to reach? 

Once you’ve established the answer to this question, go deeper. 

Take some time to work through questions like: 

What hurts them? 

What are their hopes? 

How can your story be a blessing and a help to them? 

What themes from your story overlap with issues they’ve faced? 

What do you hope they will take away from it? 

You might even consider jotting down your answers to these questions, or talking with people who are in your target audience in order to get more accurate answers. 

Then start thinking about how you can craft your story in such a way that it might relieve some of your audience’s pain points, or help them with a particular struggle or issue. How can you narrow down the main point of your story or add relevant applications in order to make it more effective for your readers or listeners? 

In some cases, if you plan to share your story verbally in a variety of settings or you plan to share snippets of your written story in various settings (such as guest posts on different websites), you may need to have several versions or regularly adapt portions of your story to make it more applicable. 

For example, I’ve written a talk called “Your Story, His Glory: Using Your Story for Good.” I gave the same talk in four different cities in South Africa within two months, but I altered it slightly each time I delivered the talk, depending on what I knew about my audience. 

With all of this in mind, how can you craft your story in such a way that it will be most helpful to those who receive it? 


As a blogger, one tool that has become invaluable as I seek to learn more about my target audience in ConvertKit, the program I use to send emails to my email subscribers.

ConvertKit has incredible features, like being able to tag certain members of your list if they click on particular links within your email, or if they use a certain form on your website to sign up. They offer so many options for you to be able to send messages based on your readers’ interests, just to make sure you’re sending them stuff they actually want to read.

Want to check it out?
Here’s a link for a free trial of ConvertKit


This is an affiliate link, which means if you actually decide to sign up, I’ll get a small commission . . . but I would still recommend it as a product just because I think it’s so amazing and it has made my blogging life so much better. 🙂 


Visit the Table of Contents for the rest of the posts in the series,
31 Days to Telling Your Story:

overcoming fear


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