
Welcome to this week’s edition of the Five Minute Friday blog link-up. Every week I share a one word writing prompt and invite bloggers and writers like you to participate in a five minute free write.

Sound like fun? Learn more here.

This week’s FMF writing prompt is: BALANCE





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Ready? GO.

A couple of weeks ago, I woke up early in the morning and felt as if something was blocking my right ear. I went to the bathroom and got back in bed, making sure to lay with the right side of my face on the pillow, hoping that whatever was bothering me would disappear from the sheer force of gravity.

I laid like that for about twenty minutes until I had to get up, and the blockage was still there.

My ear bothered me all morning, even to the point where it was affecting my work. I pulled on it and pressed it and wiggled it to no avail. I even tried tilting my head and jumping on one foot, like my friend told me to do when we were kids whenever I got water in my ear while swimming.

The blocked feeling in my ear not only made it harder to hear, but it actually made me feel off balance. I wasn’t dizzy, I just didn’t feel very stable.

After a few hours of mild discomfort, as my frustration levels continued to rise, I became suddenly aware of my own frailty. Just one blocked ear can make my whole body feel off balance and out of whack.

In that moment, I realized my weakness before God.

He balances the entire universe in the palm of His hand and nothing ever gets off kilter under His control.




Psst . . . We’re having a Special Edition Link-up over at my personal website, katemotaung.com, starting Monday, December 17th.

The topic?

>> BOOKS I READ IN 2018 << 



Sound like fun?

Start compiling your list and get ready to join the link-up at katemotaung.com anytime between December 17-22.

Also, here’s the plan for the next several weeks. Please note that I take two weeks off every year over Christmas.


December 14: Regular FMF Link-up
December 21: Regular FMF Link-up
December 28: NO FMF Link-up
January 4: NO FMF Link-up
January 11: Regular FMF Link-up


And finally, one last announcement:

My next book releases in just over a month!

I co-authored this one with the dear Shannon Popkin, and I had the Five Minute Friday community in mind throughout the entire writing process.

This one is for anyone who has ever struggled with the issue of platform building as a Christian. 

It’s called Influence: Building a Platform that Elevates Jesus (Not Me)



(By the way, Amazon says if you order now, you’ll get it before Christmas . . . just sayin’ . . . )

Disclosure: Affiliate links have been used in this post. 

If you’d like to help us get this little book off the ground by purchasing an early copy and agreeing to leave an Amazon review before January 31st, we’ll send you a second copy of the book for free.

Gift it to a writing or speaking friend, use it as a giveaway on your blog, selll it . . . it’s yours to do whatever you want! 😉

Here’s the catch: We only have ten spots left for this offer





Thanks in advance for your support!

If you’re up for sharing your own five minute free write on this week’s prompt, you can either share it in the comments below or post it to your blog and link up using the blue button below. Have fun!

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