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This week’s FMF writing prompt is: CONFIDENT

Setting my timer for five minutes, and . . . GO.
Most writers I talk to (including myself — because yes, I do talk to myself) admit that they struggle with a lack of confidence.
They battle that nagging inner voice that questions, “Who am I to think I can write?”
I read work from writers I admire and I’m swept away by the way they wield the craft, and I’m quick to drop my pen on the table and fold laundry instead.
I don’t have what it takes.
But the more I think about the idea of confidence, the more I wonder if it’s a good thing to lack confidence in oneself.
At church we’ve been going through Jen Wilkin’s Bible study on Genesis 12-50, and this past week we were reminded of how often God says, “I will . . . ” and then He does.
He promises, and He fulfills.
I can’t be confident in my own abilities because I have none apart from Him.
I am nothing without God and His faithful provision and enabling.
But then I’m carried to another question:
Is my lack of confidence in my own abilities really a mask covering my lack of confidence in God’s ability?
If I’m not confident I can do something, am I not actually doubting or limiting the power of God?
Speaking of confidence, did you catch our latest interview in the Influence Series?
I’m chatting with Five Minute Friday community member Quantrilla Ard about Chapter 4 of the book, Influence: Building a Platform that Elevates Jesus (Not Me) (affiliate link).
In this conversation, Quanny shares some great encouragement for those of us who struggle with underconfidence as writers.
Watch the interview here:
Lastly, before you go:
Have you heard about the FlourishWriters Conference?

It’s happening online NOW, and it’s completely free!
You get to hear 25 Christian writers, literary agents, writing coaches, and publishing professionals without leaving your house.
I’m excited to be presenting one of the sessions . . . but I’m even more excited to listen to speakers like Bonnie Gray, Asheritah Ciuciu, Patrice Gopo, Andi Cumbo-Floyd, Lindsey Hartz, Katherine Reay, Arabah Joy, Blythe Daniel, and so many more!
See the full list of speakers and topics here.
Disclosure: Affiliate links have been used in this post.
Share your own five minute free write on the prompt, CONFIDENT, by clicking the blue “Add your link” button or leaving a comment below!

I know I can do anything;
I know I have it nailed.
Any doubt I fling away
for I have never failed.
The reason that I never lost
is because I never quit,
and no matter what the cost
the end is not yet writ.
It may be that I will die
before the final bell
but victory will touch the sky
and there forever dwell.
Thus does God His champions choose
and thus, my friend, I’ll never lose.
Amen Andrew!!
Oh, boy. This got me in the solar plexus. For some reason, I keep thinking it’s all up to me–my students’ success, my success, everybody else’s progress. I need to turn it all over to God on a daily (make that minutely) basis.
The older I get, the more confident I become. I believe that correlates to the trust I have in my Father. I leave it with Him, make the decision and rest confident in it. IF the decision does not pan out the way I thought, I own the mistake and accept His grace in it. THAT process brings great peace. xo
It reminds me of what Jill Briscoe says, “Go where He sends you. Stay where He puts you.” = CONFIDENT
It’s not true that we should live a life believing we can’t do anything, or we should be nothing and God everything, we should become small so He can be Big. – I know those are the types of theologies that usually get swung around (not that you are saying that :)) I know I used to struggle so much with failing, and God really spoke to me and woke me up – He told me I want you to be ALL OF YOU FOR ALL OF ME! stop playing small. Stop believing it’ s this oh nothing of me nonsense, within me He placed numerous gifts and abilities, I reach in to them when I 100% believe in myself and allow the Holy spirit to lead me as I walk in faith. Truth is some of the most successful people I know – all believed in themselves. And some aren’t even Christians. That’s the difference I believe, a believer gives the glory rightfully so, to God. She is led by Him and His Spirit and she believes well. We have to be our own cheerleaders I truly believe God wants that for us. Sometimes fear of pride or false – humility really does not accomplish Gods will, it just keeps us held back.
“But the more I think about the idea of confidence, the more I wonder if it’s a good thing to lack confidence in oneself.”
Oh how this spoke to me tonight. I felt God remind me of this very thing this morning.
As my husband was struggling with severe pain in the hospital after surgery.
When nurses mocked his pain.
When I couldn’t be present & despite rushing… Still would be limited by time, I was reminded that the HS, our comforter, is always with us, never ruled by time constrictions.
I needn’t depend on my own capabilities. In the confidence of what I think I can do but in Christ alone. The author and finisher of our faith.
i enjoyed the video:) it was nice to get to know you a little better quantrilla.
Second time today I’ve heard about Jen Wilkins Bible study. I’ll have to check it out.
Tough questions at the end, but good food for thought! Thanks for sharing!
So does it mean I’m not particularly confident when I can’t think of anything much to say about the word? I’ve always thought of myself as confident based on social norms and the western belief of what it looks like to be confident. And those I know might confirm that thought, as well. But I sit here typing, feeling particularly not confident – of my musings, of my words, of me. Over the years, transformation has occurred; there is less of me and more of Him. I’m confident in Him – my Creator, my King, my Savior, my Friend.
Confident In The Lord: My confident in no longer in me, but through my loving God and Grace in my life.I turn my whole life overt to God when I got saved so now I am living my life for Christ and doing in life now what God wants me to do,for Him. My life is in His hands, I feel more free to move forward in my life. I can be vulnerable, because I know He is always with me and will never leave me alone in my life or this world. Because I’ve learn to trust. To believe words will come gave me the confidence when they need to. To rest my shaky confidence in God alone, while seeking to exercise the gifts He has give me.