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This week’s FMF writing prompt is: CONFIDENT

Setting my timer for five minutes, and . . . GO.

Most writers I talk to (including myself — because yes, I do talk to myself) admit that they struggle with a lack of confidence.

They battle that nagging inner voice that questions, “Who am I to think I can write?”

I read work from writers I admire and I’m swept away by the way they wield the craft, and I’m quick to drop my pen on the table and fold laundry instead.

I don’t have what it takes.

But the more I think about the idea of confidence, the more I wonder if it’s a good thing to lack confidence in oneself.

At church we’ve been going through Jen Wilkin’s Bible study on Genesis 12-50, and this past week we were reminded of how often God says, “I will . . . ” and then He does.

He promises, and He fulfills.

I can’t be confident in my own abilities because I have none apart from Him.

I am nothing without God and His faithful provision and enabling.

But then I’m carried to another question:

Is my lack of confidence in my own abilities really a mask covering my lack of confidence in God’s ability?

If I’m not confident I can do something, am I not actually doubting or limiting the power of God?



Speaking of confidence, did you catch our latest interview in the Influence Series?

I’m chatting with Five Minute Friday community member Quantrilla Ard about Chapter 4 of the book, Influence: Building a Platform that Elevates Jesus (Not Me) (affiliate link).

In this conversation, Quanny shares some great encouragement for those of us who struggle with underconfidence as writers.

Watch the interview here:

Influence Series

Lastly, before you go:

Have you heard about the FlourishWriters Conference?

Flourish Writers

It’s happening online NOW, and it’s completely free!

You get to hear 25 Christian writers, literary agents, writing coaches, and publishing professionals without leaving your house.


I’m excited to be presenting one of the sessions . . . but I’m even more excited to listen to speakers like Bonnie Gray, Asheritah Ciuciu, Patrice Gopo, Andi Cumbo-Floyd, Lindsey Hartz, Katherine Reay, Arabah Joy, Blythe Daniel, and so many more!

See the full list of speakers and topics here.

Flourish Writers


Disclosure: Affiliate links have been used in this post.

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