Hello, dear writing friends!

Welcome to another edition of our weekly Five Minute Friday link-up.

If you’re new, you can learn more about the link-up and how it works HERE.

Basically, I give a one-word prompt every week, we set our timers for five minutes, and free write until the timer beeps. Then you can share what you’ve written either in the comments below or by linking up a post from your own blog. The only “rule” is that you visit the blog of the person who linked up before you to read their post and leave an encouraging comment.

Sound like fun?

This week’s FMF writing prompt is: MORE


It’s a great privilege to welcome FMF community member Betsy de Cruz to Five Minute Friday this week with a special guest post.

Betsy just released a new book, called More of God: A Distracted Woman’s Guide to More Meaningful Quiet Times. Sounds perfect, right?

CLICK HERE to grab your copy on Amazon now.

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Here’s Betsy:

I want more of God, but more of me comes out instead. Often I look more like a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde woman than a Jesus girl. I get bent out of shape when things go wrong. I snap back instead of turning the other cheek.

I want more of God, but I get distracted from seeking Him. I open my Bible, but my to-do list beckons and my phone beeps. I try to pray, but my mind goes to Mars instead.

I think I have spiritual attention deficit.

I’m definitely not rocking the church lady thing, but I wrote a book to help us distracted, busy, and worried women grow a stronger relationship with God.

Because maybe God isn’t looking just for perfect church ladies.

He’s looking for the basket-case women who want more of Him.

He’s looking for women who return to Him a thousand times when they find they’ve drifted away. He’s looking for the woman who will crack open her dusty Bible to read today it for the first time in weeks.

He’s looking for women like you and me. Let’s look for more of Him.

Let’s open one small window today to invite more of God in. What could that window look like for you?

  • Giving Him the first or last 5 minutes of your day?
  • Listening to a worship song on the way to work?
  • Lighting a candle while you home school your kids?
  • Praying while you strap your kids in the minivan?
  • Asking God speak to you as you open the pages of His Word?

Let’s call on Him today and ask for more. When we call, God comes. And He brings more of His presence, more of His power, and more of His love.


Betsy de Cruz writes and speaks to encourage women to get more of God’s Word in, so they can live their faith out. She has battled distraction all her life, and she wrote her book More of God to help distracted women take small steps towards God to experience more of His presence and power.

You can find Betsy online at Faithspillingover.com where she shares Bible study and prayer tips, as well as encouragement for everyday faith and family.


Also, just a reminder that Friday, March 8th is the LAST day to sign up for the FREE online FlourishWriters Conference!

If you haven’t taken advantage of this amazing resource, I really, really, really encourage you to register . . . (Is that enough “really’s”?)

I mean, with 25 different speakers and 25 different topics, there is definitely something for everyone. If I had to sum up the conference in one word it would be “inspiring.”

Flourish Writers

Registration for the FlourishWriters Conference ends Friday, March 8th.


Join the link-up with your own five minute free write below:

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