Hello! Happy weekend!

Welcome back to another round of Five Minute Friday Free Writes — our weekly blog link-up where we free write for five minutes flat on a single word prompt.

To learn more about how the link-up works, click here.

(And if you’ve been here before, I should warn you that the link-up looks different from what we’re all used to . . . Sorry about that! The tool I use to host the link-up had a mandatory upgrade and this is how it’s gonna be from now on . . .)

We’ve been spoiled to have guest writers the past two weeks in a row — first Betsy De Cruz, then Christie Purifoy. And now I’m excited to get back to writing with all of you again!

This week’s FMF writing prompt is: REWARD

This semester at our church, the ladies are going through Jen Wilkin’s Bible study called God of Covenant, on Genesis 12-50.

We recently reached Genesis 15, where God says to Abram, “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.”

And I just had to pause and think about these words. It struck me so deeply that God is saying that HE is Abram’s reward.

Not just land, not just descendants, not just possessions, but HE HIMSELF is Abram’s reward.

How amazing is that?

This past weekend I had an opportunity to speak at a women’s retreat about the blessings and benefits of living with an eternal perspective. And I confessed during one of my talks that I haven’t always desired God above all else, even when I’m thinking about heaven.

In fact, it wasn’t until after my mom died in 2011 that I started thinking more about heaven, even though I was a professing believer at the time. And then it bothered me, because why would I only start thinking about and longing for heaven after I knew she was there? Why was I not longing for heaven solely because GOD is there??

I had to think about these questions for quite a while, and I’m embarrassed to admit that I eventually came to the conclusion that I had made my mom an idol. I had elevated her above God in my mind and heart.

The Lord used this realization to convict me and to increase my desire for Him and Him alone.

As David says in Psalm 16, “I say to the Lord, ‘You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.’ . . . Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure.”

You alone.



Before you go, I wanted to make sure you’ve heard about
this cool challenge:

ConvertKit, my favorite email service provider, is offering a:

FREE 30-day Landing Page Challenge

Disclosure: Affiliate links have been used in this post.

What’s a landing page?

I’m so glad you asked!

I just wrote an article about it:

What is a Landing Page and How Do I Create One?

The 30-Day ConvertKit Challenge starts April 1st.

CLICK HERE to sign up!

landing page

And now, it’s time to write! What comes to mind when you think of the word, REWARD?

Share with us in five minutes or less, either in the link-up or in the comments below:

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