
Welcome to this week’s edition of the Five Minute Friday blog link-up. 

A couple of weeks ago I posted in our private Five Minute Friday Community Group, asking for suggestions for upcoming writing prompts. Three people voted for “touch,” so here we go!

This week’s Five Minute Friday writing prompt is: TOUCH

Ready? GO.

A couple of weeks ago, our pastor preached a sermon from John 20:24-29 about the account of “doubting Thomas.”

As you may know, for some reason Thomas was not among the other disciples the first time Jesus appeared to them after he rose from the dead. Though the other disciples tried to persuade Thomas, he wanted to see for himself and touch Jesus’ body before he would believe in Jesus’ resurrection.

In his sermon, my pastor pointed out how Jesus willingly exposed His humiliation by allowing others to see His wounds. He allowed Thomas to poke and prod His fresh wounds if it meant that Thomas would believe.

This truth made me think of our role as Christian writers.

Are we willing to expose our own humiliation and let people walk around in our pain, touch our scars, and re-open fresh wounds if it means they might see the saving work of God?

What kind of sacrifices are we willing to make in order to show others the ultimate sacrifice of Christ?

What pain or wounds from your own life are you too afraid to let others see? How might God use that pain to bring healing to others?

May the Lord help us to use our pain and scars for His glory.



Have you seen this amazing giveaway hosted by Hope*Writers?

They’re giving away 20 of their favorite writing books!


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Lastly, before you go, be sure to check out this new Mastermind Group for bloggers:

Your Blogging Mastermind with Crystal Paine

Crystal Paine is the founder of MoneySavingMom.com, and just opened this new membership group for bloggers who want to make more income from their websites and online presence.

This is not a group for brand new bloggers or those who do not already have an idea of how to monetize their sites . . . but if you’re looking to earn more than you currently do, or you’re looking for coaching and guidance to take your website and social media presence to the next level, I encourage you to check it out!

Registration closes Saturday, April 17th.


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Join the link-up by adding your own five minute free write below, then click on your link-up neighbor’s post to read and comment on what they’ve shared.

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