It’s that time of the week again . . . time to set your timer and free write for five minutes flat!
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This week’s FMF writing prompt is: CHALLENGE
Setting my timer for five minutes, and . . .
This Sunday marks eight years since my mom passed away. She died in Michigan while I was living in Cape Town, South Africa. I flew to Michigan for the funeral, then back to Cape Town a few weeks later.
On the first anniversary of her death, we were still living in South Africa, awaiting paperwork to transition to the States.
On the second anniversary, we had moved overseas and lived just four miles from my sister for the first time in over ten years. It was a Saturday and we spent the day together, laying around on the suede couches at her house watching Netflix and eating ice cream. That was the day she introduced me to Downton Abbey.
It was also the day I first heard about an online writing challenge called Write 31 Days, starting just over a week later on the 1st of October.
I felt my heart skip a beat as I read more about the challenge. Could I really do it? Write for 31 days in a row? Was it too late for me to join? Could I be ready in time?
I decided to go for it.
I spent that afternoon with my laptop in my lap as I sat on my sister’s couch with Lady Mary and the Dowager Countess chatting in the background. I figured out how to create a square graphic to use on my blog, and even came up with a title for my series.
That was six years ago, and I haven’t looked back. Every October since then (with the exception of one year, when a dear blogging friend stepped in for me), I have participated in the annual 31-Day Writing Challenge in October.
And this year is no exception.
Will you join me?
to join the 2019 edition of
31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes
Registration closes on September 30th, and we start October 1st!
We also have paperback journals now available on Amazon!
Affiliate links used in this post
Get The 31-Day Writing Prompt Journal HERE
(Includes the same prompts as the October writing challenge)
Get The Five-Minute Writing Prompt Journal HERE
(Includes 52 one-word writing prompts)
Also: Before we go, I thought you might be interested in this FREE CLASS for bloggers taught by Crystal Paine from Money Saving Mom and Your Blogging Mentor:
How to Make Your First $100 from Blogging
(affiliate link used)
Join this week’s link-up with your own five-minute freewrite on the prompt, CHALLENGE, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave and encouraging comment.
Yeah, it was quite a challenge,
writing all these poems,
though perhaps a bit unbalanced
for they surely form a tome.
There’s close on fifteen hundred,
and oh, the time it took!
Perhaps I really blundered
for I could have wrote a book.
Put some folks say they like these,
and some say the work’s inspired.
I’m really glad that I could please
but I’m so very, very tired.
Nonetheless, I’ll carry on,
and they’ll speak for me when I am gone.
Awww! I had no idea of the timing of your start in the write 31 days challenge! I’m glad you’re meeting it again! October is the worst time of year for me for a writing challenge (although I’ve done it four or five times). I’ll be cheering you on!
I love a good writing challenge and I always start out with such high hopes. This year’s challenge comes at such a perfect time, as I just began a blog and my goal is to blog daily as we move toward our calling to homeschool. I’m both excited and terrified. So fitting that today —my first day reading a FMF — you’re writing about challenging moments. This may be one of our greatest challenges as a family, but oh the blessings that will come! Be faithful in the little and God will always multiply it to give more than you can think or ask or imagine.
I’m glad I’m not the only one with the “Time to write!” mindset as October rolls around.