It’s link-up time!
Each week here at Five Minute Friday, I offer a one-word prompt and invite others to free write for five minutes flat.
Sound like fun? Learn more here.
Also: If you want to practice your freewriting on paper throughout the week, you can find The Five-Minute Writing Prompt Journal on Amazon (affliate links used in this post).
This week’s Five Minute Friday writing prompt is: SUCCESS
What is the measure of success for a writer?
More importantly, what is the measure of success for a Christian writer?
How will we know when we’ve met the mark?
These are questions I’ve pondered for quite a while now . . . and while I’ve heard some excellent responses to these questions from writers I admire and respect, I continue to see and hear other writers struggling with the chase.
Will we ever be satisfied with our earthly achievements? Or will we continue to strive for more until our time here is over?
One thing that saddens me about this pursuit of so-called success — in whatever definition you may choose — is that it is often associated with worldly accolades and merits.
So I ask myself — am I working for the favor and attention of others, or am I working to please my Lord?
I’d say it’s a mix of both, depending on the day.
It’s a mix, but I hope and pray that as I continue to grow and mature in the faith with the help of the Holy Spirit, that my motives will be weighed more heavily in favor of the heavenly prize.
As we seek to use the gifts we’ve been given, may we set our minds on things above, not on earthly things.
What is the Measure of Success for Writers?Â
This is the last week to register for this year’s 31-Day Writing Challenge!
We start October 1st. The challenge is to write every day in October. You could write online or privately, with prompts or without, with a theme or no theme, for five minutes, or for longer . . . the point is just to write!
Click the link below to learn more and sign up before September 30th!
Hope*Writers is opening next week!Â
Join bestselling author Emily P. Freeman for a FREE masterclass on
“How to be a Working Writer Without Losing Your Mind.”
Sound good?
(affiliate link used)
Join this week’s link-up with your own five minute free write below:
I’m with you, Kate! I write for an audience of One most days. And many days it feels like I teach to a dead audience (or at least a sleep-deprived, captive audience 😉 ). But my success isn’t my own. I’m only successful when my students succeed.
There are times that I wonder
what these words really bring;
am I shouting ‘gainst the thunder,
or rising sunward on waxen wing?
I’m in trouble, there’s no denying
the pain that seems to conquer all,
and that sometimes has me trying
to beat my head against a wall.
But does the fact of cancer’s shadow
give my words more gravitas?
Does death gives access to the marrow
of the straits which all must pass?
I think I’ll never understand,
but it’s the only way to bear a hand.
Well done, good and faithful servant…. (I went the same direction.)