Welcome to our weekly Five Minute Friday blog link-up!
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This week’s writing prompt is: DARKNESSÂ
Setting my timer for five minutes, and . . . GO.Â
This past Wednesday at our weekly church prayer meeting, one church member shared an update and prayer request regarding an individual that our church holds dear who is walking in darkness. Deep darkness. Wanting nothing to do with the Light of the World.
This update has weighed heavy on my heart since hearing the news. As I drove my kids to school this morning, I quoted St. Augustine in reference to this individual’s current condition: “But for the grace of God go I.”
This past semester, the women’s Bible study groups at my church have been slowly working our way through Ephesians. One thing that kept standing out to me from chapter 2 was the vast transformation of those who have been rescued by Christ.
We used to be dead in our sins, following the course of this world, separated from Christ, alienated from Him, without God and without hope.
But God.Â
By His grace alone, He pulled us out of the darkness, out of the grip of death itself, and into new life in His light.
“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.” ~ Isaiah 9:2, NIV
“Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.'” ~ John 8:12, ESV
After choosing this week’s word prompt,
I saw this timely quote from FMF community member Quantrilla Ard
(graphic courtesy of First 5):
Just a reminder that there will be NO Five Minute Friday blog link-up the weeks of December 27th or January 3rd.
What comes to mind when you think of the word, DARKNESS? Share with us in five minutes or less by linking up below, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment:
Jesus spoke unto the crowd,
and the crowd stood still and listened.
Some were humble, some were proud,
and some wore tears that glistened.
He did not bring an oil-lamp
because it wasn’t night,
but as some hearts did unclamp
it started to get light.
The warm glow passed from face to face,
enfolding haughty and the mild;
in the recognition of His grace
was born something bright and wild,
and Judah’s lion’s flaming mane
ensured they’d never be the same.
Thank you as always for being our fearless leader.
You are a bright light for the LORD!
May you see His Light today and always.
Kate, I was “her.” But the Light chased me and gave me an ultimatum – thank the Lord for His grace and mercy.
Aww. I’m so sorry that you have a fellow brother or sister walking in darkness. May the flock gather around and reflect the Light through prayer, friendship, grace, and love.
Thank you, Anita.
I’m so very sorry Kate. Such a difficult situation. I pray you and your prayer group are the light your friend needs to find their way.
Thank you, Cindy.