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This week’s Five Minute Friday writing prompt is: BEFORE





Ready? Go. 


Take me back to before I said those words I regretted as soon as they were spoken, before all the mistakes I’ve made, before things changed.

Take me back to before the diagnosis, before the treatment, before the grief.

Take me back to before I knew what it meant to be broken, before I knew loss, before the news.

Take me back to the days of riding bicycles on summer days down Lakeshore Drive all the way to Sluggo’s for pizza and hot, buttery breadsticks with friends.

The memories are filtered there, sweet-smelling and bright. All the rough edges are blurred out, the smiles unblemished and real.

But maybe it’s better this way, here where the jagged edges still cut and the words know how to bite, because I’m ever more aware of my need. My need for grace. My need for forgiveness. My need for rescue from the only One who can.



There’s still time to sign up for the free 10-Day Writing Prompt Challenge . . . We start Monday!


writing challenge


You’ll receive ten one-word prompts, and the challenge is to write for at least five minutes every day for ten days in a row. I’ll send daily email reminders each morning to encourage you to write. Sound like fun?


I’ll also share the prompts on the Five Minute Friday Instagram account each day during the challenge. Follow along for some daily writing inspiration!

Click here to find Five Minute Friday on Instagram


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