Well . . . this has been quite an interesting time, hasn’t it?
I hope and pray that you are all staying well and coping okay with all the changes and uncertainties related to the Coronavirus. I am praying for all who have been negatively affected — physically, financially, emotionally, spiritually. My heart goes out to you! In the midst of it all, praise God that He is still on the throne!
If you’re new to the Five Minute Friday link-up, we gather every week for a one-word writing prompt. You’re welcome to share your work either in the blog link-up below, in a comment below, or on Facebook or Instagram.
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This week’s FMF writing prompt is: TOMORROW
It’s so easy during an unprecedented time like this to let my mind wander to all the “What if?” questions. As I think about how uncertain the future is for all of us, it can be tempting to worry and become susceptible to looming despair.
But as I was getting ready for the day this morning, I decided to speak truth to myself:
In the midst of everything going on, God is still in control. He always has been, and He always will be. This virus did not catch Him by surprise. He was not only prepared for it, He knew about it from before the beginning of time, and His plan is still perfect.
Eternity with Him has not been canceled. No matter what happens in this lifetime — illness, poverty, hunger, or even death — God’s children cannot be snatched from His hand. For the believer in Jesus Christ, our hope is in Him and His promises do not fail.
If nothing else, this pandemic has reminded me just how fragile and dependent we all are. Our every breath is completely dependent on the One who “gives everyone life and breath and everything else” (Acts 17:25, NIV).
So when we’re tempted to worry, fret, or despair, remember Who you belong to.
“I don’t know what tomorrow holds, but I know Who holds tomorrow.”
“He’s got the whole world in His hands.”
Join the link-up below, then read your neighbor’s post to leave an encouraging comment:Â
It’s all about tomorrow,
and it’s all about the past
when folks learned, unto their sorrow
that the good times do not last,
but they must have missed a class
and did not hear God say
that although trouble comes to pass,
it does not come to stay.
So buck up, pilgrim, raise your head,
pull on your boots and smile,
for though the dawn be “sailor’s red”
know that all the while
upon the sea, upon the land,
He’s got the wide world in His hands.
God is our rock! His grace is sufficient.
Stay safe x
No matter what, who, when, why, if….
This is so encouraging, Kate. I’ve started sending a daily email to friends and family, sharing devotionals and encouraging posts. I’d like to share this with them. Thank you.
“Eternity has not been cancelled..”
I love that!
This one Certainty changes all other frustration, and frees the mind from basic responses to struggle.
Thankyou for a heartwarming reminder,
and also for these Friday Linkups that are not just a blessing to post, but that one gets to read such a host of inspiring material, filled with the love of God
Amen, Kate! Amen!
I look forward to the day when we can look back and see how His Hands were working all along. Our uncertain tomorrow are safety hidden in the palm of His hands Yes, because He lives, we can face tomorrow! That is so comforting and He will all our worry and stress. And even when our plans are decimated everything fits into His Kingdom calender. My heart goes out to families who are going through that stress and aren’t able to visit their love ones in the Nursing home.