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This week’s Five Minute Friday writing prompt is: YOUR


writing prompt



This week . . . ahem, month . . . ahem, year has been one full of unexpected changes and worldly disappointments. I say “worldly” disappointments because I’m trying to remind myself that God has given me every spiritual blessing in Christ, and in Him I have all I need.

But I’m human, and “a hope deferred makes the heart sick.” I’m also a planner, and I like to know what to expect. Which, as 2020 has taught me, is never guaranteed.

So I’ve been asking the Lord to help me remember that His plans never fail. He is never taken by surprise. There is never a Plan B for Him. His purposes always come to pass.

And lately when things don’t go the way I’ve hoped or planned or expected, I’ve been asking Him to remind me that it happened exactly according to His will and plan, even if it wasn’t mine. And I can take great comfort in that truth. If it’s not meant to be, it won’t happen. If it will ultimately turn out for my spiritual good and it’s according to His will, it will happen. It’s as simple and as complicated as that. 🙂

When I’m faced with a tough decision, “Lord, Your will be done.”

As Jesus Himself prayed on the night He was betrayed, “Not my will but Yours be done.”

May it be so.



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It’s an amazing resource for bloggers of all stages, including a huge bundle of products priced at 98% off the retail value.


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