Hello! Happy weekend!
It’s time for our weekly writing prompt link-up.
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This week’s writing prompt is: BREATHE
Setting my timer for five minutes, and . . . go.Â
I’m still trying to figure out how my family and I went from a period of time earlier this year when all events were deleted from the calendar, the gas in the car didn’t get used, I read multiple books a month, and had time to cook elaborate meals to a mad frenzy of activity, driving for hours each week, working from parking lots, barely reading at all, and having to batch cook on weekends so we’ll have meals to eat at home during the week.
How did it happen so fast?
Even this week, I’ve had to do mental gymnastics to figure out who needed to be where when, and what we had to have packed and ready in the car before we left home for hours at a time.
Every once in a while I have to step outside, look up at the sky, and take a deep breath through my nostrils, an exaggerated inhale to reset my mind, body, and soul. To remind myself that the God who made the heavens and the earth is still in control, and I am still not. To pause and acknowledge His presence, His goodness, His faithfulness in the midst of the self-inflicted busyness. And to be grateful.
He is still on the throne, He still puts breath in our lungs, and He is still God.
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. (Psalm 150:6)
Have you heard?
The amazing team that created the Ministry to Business Guide has created a
coaching hub for Christian communicators!
It’s called the M2B Huddle, and doors are open from October 1st-15th.
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Join the link-up with your own five-minute freewrite below, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment!
If you really want a scare
when breathing’s what you need,
just try running out of air
beneath a load of seaweed.
I heard the pinging in the tanks,
and did fear for my life,
but I then gave God my thanks
for my diving knife.
I hacked and clawed and screamed and fought
until my sight turned red,
thinking it was all for naught,
but I was not yet dead;
one more slash and swipe, just one,
and I could then rejoin the Sun.
Yes! Today I had to get 13 horses from a pasture into the area (which involved pulling two awkward wire gates over the road to form a chute from one place to the other). I wasn’t strong enough to get the gates closed. My frustration started to rise. The heat outside didn’t help. I walked over to the pasture and took a deep breath of hot-sun-on-horse–it smelled heavenly. Which reminded me that God has everything under control. He gave me a brain and I figured out how to get the held good enough to make the chute and I got the horses into the arena. Breathing deeply works for me every time!
Amen to “the God who made the heavens and the earth is still in control, and I am still not.” Good reminder. Thanks for sharing.
“He is still on the throne, He still puts breath in our lungs, and He is still God.”
Yes, this. =)
Amie, FMF #13
It’s so easy when we’re in the thick of it to lose sight of who’s in control! We’re programmed to think it’s us but then we breathe Him in and let go. Thank you for these timely words Kate. They are an encouragement to us all!
I can so relate to these same feelings.
I too have to take that moment to breathe and know that God is with us through it all.
Dear Kate,
Thank you for inhaling that deep breath that helped all of us take a deep breath and release the anxiety that tightens our diaphrams squeezing the air out of our lungs. Thank goodness the Lord is still in control because the world seems more out of control now than it did seven months ago.
This prompt was a blessing!