Hello, writer friends! So glad to have you here this week!

If you’re new, welcome to our weekly Five Minute Friday link-up, where we gather around a single word prompt to freewrite for five minutes flat.

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This week’s FMF writing prompt is: VOTE




Setting my timer for five minutes, and . . . GO. 


My husband, a South African citizen, vividly remembers the first fully democratic elections in his country, which took place in 1994.


He wasn’t quite old enough to vote at that time, but he remembers the long, long lines that wound up and down the streets as voters –many first-time voters — rose before the sun and stood in line for hours to cast their votes.

It was the election when Nelson Mandela became the first black president of South Africa, a country with a majority black population who had suffered under decades of apartheid.

When I hear about people I know and love in South Africa who were not allowed to vote even as adults in their own country, the privilege of voting becomes that much more meaningful. It’s not something we should dismiss or take lightly. It’s something we should be grateful to be able to do.

If you’re a U.S. citizen, I encourage you to take advantage of the privilege you have to cast your vote.





Are you a fiction writer or someone who has considered dabbling in fiction?

If so, check out the collaborative writing challenge happening at Hope*Writers in November: 

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