Welcome to one of our final Five Minute Friday blog link-ups of 2020!
We *will* have a link-up next week, December 18th, but then we’ll take a two-week break over Christmas and New Year’s Day. We’ll plan to start back up the week of January 8th, 2021, Lord willing.
This week’s FMF writing prompt is: BEYOND
Setting a timer for five minutes, and . . . GO.
My daughter got her driver’s permit recently. Overall she’s doing a great job, but obviously she’s just starting to learn, so there have been occasional . . . hiccups, let’s call them. Let’s also say I’ve considered asking my doctor for medication to reduce my blood pressure while riding in the passenger seat.
But entering this phase of life has had benefits, too. Even after the couple of somewhat harrowing drives we’ve endured so far, I’ve had to make a conscious decision to ask her again on the next trip to the car, “Would you like to drive?”
Even if I’d rather do it myself, even if I feel hesitant or anxious, I’ve been making myself hand her the keys. My hope is that by doing so, it will instill confidence in her and help her to continue to grow and improve as a driver. And perhaps that confidence and growth will rub off on me in the process.
She has been stretching me in other ways, too. She found an over-the-bed bookshelf unit she liked on Pinterest, and wanted to do a similar design for her bedroom. We brainstormed and came up with an option that fit our budget, then we created it ourselves. She sanded and spray painted, and I figured out how to use a drill to assemble it. The project pushed me beyond any talent I knew I could possess, and ended up feeling so satisfying to complete.
Sometimes we need those people in our lives who push us beyond where we think we can go, and reveal to us the divine power and enabling of Christ that is hidden inside those who believe.
Join us for a five-minute freewrite on the prompt, BEYOND, below, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment!
He’s pushed me past where I thought
I could, in all truth, go,
and in the process He has bought
for me, a small warm glow
of hope that I can be like Him,
somehow somewhere someday,
love, compassion to the brim,
helping others on their way.
This is, of course, a vain conceit;
I’m nowhere like the Christ,
but still inspired to my feet,
my earth-bound striving sliced
away to expose softer heart,
I will yet try to play His part.
From one mother-of-a-driving-student to another, Lord help us! =)
Amie, FMF #8
I think God gives us kids to reveal our relationship with him. I often shake my head over my kid’s actions and then suddenly realize I act the. same. way. towards God at times. She will learn. You will learn to let her.
“Sometimes we need those people in our lives who push us beyond where we think we can go, and reveal to us the divine power and enabling of Christ that is hidden inside those who believe.” Thank God for “those people.” 🙂