Hello, friends. Welcome to the final FMF writing prompt of 2020! As usual, I’ll be taking two weeks off from the link-up over Christmas and New Year’s. Lord willing, we’ll be back the week of January 8th with the first link-up of 2021.

This is also our first link-up without faithful FMF community member Joe Siccardi. If you missed the news, Joe had a terrible stroke and passed away this past week.

Here’s my feeble attempt to honor Joe and his presence in this community.



This week’s FMF writing prompt is: CONCLUDE




Well, here we are. The final FMF link-up of 2020. The year that many of us thought may never end.

It’s been a year like no other – filled with uncertainty, disappointment, division, loss, and grief.

And now, our first link-up after losing our friend and faithful FMF community member, Joe Siccardi.

I wish I could promise that it’s going to get better. As if, by turning the calendar over to 2021, everything bad will be guaranteed to disappear and all will be back to “normal.”

But of course, I can’t promise that. In fact, even though we may assume it really couldn’t get much worse . . . it could.

All I can promise is that it’s better for Joe, and that one day – if you trust in Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, it will be better for you, too. Much better. Infinitely better. Unimaginably better.

But first, we must endure. We must persevere by His strength. We must run the race to the end.

Whatever 2021 may hold, we can know and trust that it has been designed for our ultimate spiritual good, to conform us ever more into the image of His Son, and that it will glorify Him.The ultimate goal.

So as we conclude another year of link-ups here at Five Minute Friday, may we continue to seek not just the better, but the best there will ever be: eternity in the presence of Christ.

God with us.




Thank you to all who have filled out the FMF survey I sent out! If you haven’t had a chance to complete it yet, I’d love your input!

Just click here or fill out the form below. Survey closes Monday, December 21st, 2020.

Participants will be entered to win one signed copy of a book of their choice from the options pictured below:

kate motaung books

Hope you have a wonderful Christmas! 


Join the link-up with your own five-minute freewrite on the prompt, CONCLUDE, below, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment! Thanks for being here!

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