Welcome to our weekly Five Minute Friday blog link-up!
We’re playing along with the Write 28 Days Challenge hosted by Anita de Ojeda, so the FMF prompts for the month of February will correspond with her list.
Click here to learn more about the link-up, then click here to join the FMF email list.
This week’s FMF writing prompt is: SUNRISE
These days it’s not often that I leave the house before the sun comes up, since I work from home, it’s currently the middle of winter, and, well, pandemic.
But I had a rare reason to go out this past week, and on my way home I couldn’t help but pull off the road to snap a picture of the sunrise:
After I got home I looked at the photo again and posted it on Instagram with the following caption:
Pulled over to snap this shot on my way home this morning. When I looked at it on my phone after I got home, I realized it fits well with the blog post I just published. I’m sharing four books about racial justice that I read and highly recommend. You can find the list at katemotaung.com if you’re interested. I told my husband that I’m expecting a number of unsubscribers after the email went out this morning. Racial justice is not a topic that everyone wants to hear about or read about. Sometimes the conversations remind me of this scene — a bleak, cold, barren landscape of seemingly endless gray . . . but every once in a while, a shock of light and hope emerges from the horizon.
Sometimes life can feel barren and monochrome. But whether we can see the actual sunrise each day or not, His mercies are new every morning, and a day is coming when the bright morning star will return, the Light of the world, who gives light to all.
He is coming soon, and the darkness will not overcome it.
Join us on Monday, February 8th at 2pm EST for a free, live Zoom call with authors Shawn Smucker and Maile Silva! We’ll be talking all things writing, so come along and bring your questions!
I’ll be sending out the Zoom link via email, so make sure you’re on the mailing list before Monday!
Shawn and Maile are hosting a brand new course called The Nine Month Novel:
Affiliate links used above
Share your own writing with the Five Minute Friday writing community below:Â
Today at dawn the neighbour’s dogs invaded our yard as I was walking our enormous Lab…
They came out of the sunrise,
stern Bailey and loud Gabby,
and with the element of surpirise
they terrified poor Labby
who wanted to surrender,
all 150 pounds,
and his belly render
off’ring to the hounds
of hell that snapped around him
in their bloodthirsty need,
and as the dawn grew ever-grim
he peed and peed and peed
which, or course, was no barrier
to a Heeler and a Yorkshire terrier.
Love your sunrise photo.
Sometimes life can feel barren and monochrome. But whether we can see the actual sunrise each day or not, His mercies are new every morning, and a day is coming when the bright morning star will return, the Light of the world, who gives light to all. <—that is good stuff Kate! I'm glad you bravely shared about social justice. Unfollowers are not necessarily a bad thing! Thankful for you. Glad you post a weekly prompt and place for us to blog. Jennifer
Yes! To both your thoughts about sunrise and your email on racial justice. I always that I was not racist, but that’s a far cry from being anti-racist.
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. Amen! Come Lord Jesus. Bring racial justice!
A beautiful sunrise photo…something I seldom see 😉
I’m reading Eric Metaxas’ ‘Bonhoeffer’ right now. It has challenged my heart with respect to the price some have paid for justice and freedom.