Welcome to the first Five Minute Friday blog link-up of March 2021!
If you’re new, so glad you found us! Learn more about the link-up here, and be sure to join our email list to stay up-to-date on the latest happenings in this vibrant online writing community.
I asked for writing prompt suggestions in our FMF Facebook group this past week and got a number of great suggestions. Our prompt this week is compliments of long-time FMF community member Susan Shipe from Hope Heart Home.
This week’s FMF writing prompt is: GREEN
Ready? GO.
The change happened overnight.
One day my son was pushing the snowblower down the driveway, head down and eyes squinted half shut to shield himself from the blowing snow and bitter cold. The next day, I heard it: the tap tap tap of dripping water. I looked out the window, and sure enough . . . the snow was melting from the roof.
Instead of endless grey skies, I saw glimpses of blue. Glimpses of hope.
The sun woke up after a long hibernation — groggy at first, and hesitant. Then gradually more bold and defiant. Breaking through the gloom, pushing the melancholy aside.
Each hour I glanced out the window, checking for progress. And I saw it.
The green grass emerging from weeks of dormancy buried underneath inches of snow, now free to awaken and breathe. Free to stand tall and drink the sun again.
Today there is still white on the ground, but it is receding, like the tide diminishing into the ocean until it’s time to return again.
Related Article:Â
Let the Land Lie Fallow: Embracing a Dormant Season in the Writing Life
Featured Resource:Â
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Join the link-up with your own five-minute freewrite below, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment:
Where, now, is it, where the spring,
oh, where, my friend, can it be?
When will it arrive and bring
life’s green hope back to me?
It’s been a long, long winter
and I miss the trees in leaf;
their colour’s my calm center,
their breeze-rattle brings relief
to a heart that’s seen too much,
this season and in ages past,
and I long for their warm touch
that my thoughts and soul will cast
into a hopeful, happy mold
as I, with thanks, farewell the cold.
I keep looking for green sprouts in my garden but it is still too early. But there is hope, spring is just around the corner.
Green the color of life and growth! Perfect for today.
And, thanks for the shout-out! I just realized!
Life, growth and hope. Great reflection.