It’s writing prompt time! Welcome to our weekly blog link-up here at Five Minute Friday. Each week we gather around a single word prompt and write our hearts out for five minutes flat, then share what we write and encourage one another.

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This week’s FMF writing prompt is: REMEDY




Setting my timer for five minutes, and . . . GO. 

Last week, our writing prompt was BROKEN. In my post, I reflected on the brokenness of this world. I was tempted to tie it all up with pretty bow at the end, but it just didn’t feel right. This world is still broken, and sometimes we need to sit with that reality and lament.

This week, we’re thinking about the word “remedy” and I’m asking myself, “How can this perpetual brokenness be fixed?”

Those of us who are believers know that the only solution is Christ. I know, it sounds like such a stereotypical Sunday school answer, but it’s true. Only when Jesus returns will all things be made new, whole, and perfect. Until then, the whole world is groaning in anticipation.

We wait.

There is a caveat. This hope is only for those who have repented of their sins and placed their trust and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness and salvation. He is the only remedy.

Sure, we can try various worldly solutions that may seem to help various problems and issues for a while . . . but none will last. Only Jesus can provide a solution that will last forever — the hope of a perfect eternity with Him.




A Christian Writer’s Manifesto







Join us with your own five-minute freewrite on the writing prompt, REMEDY, below, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment. 

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