Welcome to our weekly Five Minute Friday blog link-up! We’re so glad you’re here.

Each week we gather around a single word prompt, write for five minutes flat, read each other’s work, and leave encouraging comments to build community.

Sound like fun? Learn more about the link-up here.

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This week’s Five Minute Friday writing prompt is: EXCUSE





I make them all the time.

Some of them are pretty pathetic, if I do say so myself.

Excuse after excuse:

I don’t have time. 

I’m too tired. 

I don’t feel like it. 

I don’t have anything worth writing. 

Nobody cares whether I write or not, so what’s the point? 

I’m not even good at it. 

It’s not a worthwhile use of my time. 

I might offend someone. 

There are so many other things, more important and worthy things, that I should be doing instead. 

I have no shortage of excuses for why I don’t write. The list goes on and on, and it will always be there. I will always, always, always have reasons to neglect writing.

But are they legitimate? And whether they are or not, how do I get around them?

I have to commit. Writing is a mental game. I have to tell myself that it is an important, worthwhile use of my time to use the gifts that God has given. That it honors Him, even. That writing is not a selfish act if I’m doing so to glorify Him.

I may have lots of excuses to not write, but there are just as many reasons to write:

To encourage others. 

To be a blessing. 

To honor God. 

To share of His love. 

To bear His image through the creative process. 

To tell the story He has given me to share.

To bear witness to His magnificent works. 

To preserve the testimony of His people. 

To be obedient to His call. 

Just as the list of excuses goes on, so does the list of reasons to write.

Let’s get to work.


RELATED POST: 25 Reasons to Write





This only happens three times a year, and now is one of those times!

Hope*Writers is now open to new members for one week only!


If you’re looking for encouragement and support in your writing life and a place where you can ask questions and determine your next step, then Hope*Writers is for you!

Let’s stop making excuses and commit, shall we? 😉

Plus: The sooner you join, the more bonuses you get!

Join by this Sunday and get these exclusive bonuses:

The Writer’s Template Kit — includes a book proposal template, a query letter template, a social media checklist, and more

The Engaging Content Bundle — includes 31 writing prompts, a video training on growing your social media following, and a video training on how to create a lead magnet for your email list

The Time to Write Bundle — includes video trainings designed to help you carve out the margin you need in order to share your words.




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Join this week’s FMF link-up with your own five-minute freewrite on the prompt, EXCUSE, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment: 

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