Hello, dear readers and writers! Welcome to this week’s edition of the Five Minute Friday writing prompt link-up.
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This week’s writing prompt is: STRONG
Many of you know Cindy Wilkins, a dear member of the Five Minute Friday community who blogs at My Sea of Thought. (Find her on Twitter at @sea_thought.)
On June 22nd of this year, Cindy’s youngest grandson had a major medical emergency. This precious little guy, Sutton, is less than a year old and has gone through so much in the past few weeks.
Sutton’s mom started this Facebook page, called Sutton Strong, to keep people updated. If you feel led, please follow along and pray for this dear family!
By God’s grace, Sutton has been making strides that doctors initially didn’t expect him to be able to make. For this we praise the Lord!
Ever since I followed the page a couple weeks ago, I keep thinking about the word “strong,” especially how it’s impossible for any of us to be strong apart from the Lord’s strength. We are desperate for Him, for His power, for His enabling. It’s a lie to believe we can do anything on our own.
“. . . be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.” ~ Ephesians 6:10
May the Lord continue to strengthen this dear family with His sufficient grace and strength from above to endure this trial, however long it may last.
5 Common Mistakes Christian Writers Make
Click the “Add your link” button below to share your own five-minute freewrite on the prompt, STRONG, below, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment:Â
Ake ake kia haha – for ever, and be strong.
This week’s prompt has stirred up so much emotion in me. I have to sit with it a bit before I write. Otherwise I will go way over the 5 minutes.
Thoughts and prayers for Sutton and his family. Thank you for sharing!
Oh my heart. Joining you all in prayer for this little fighter! The Lord sees him and his family and holds them close through it all.
Amen Kate. May the Lord enable us all (Cindy’s family, friends, and her blessed blogging friends) to continue to bring forth our combined prayers that Sutton may be healed in Jesus’ name, Amen. Blessings.
Wow, just visited Sutton’s FB page, and what an amazing testimony is in the making. Said a prayer for continued healing and for the Lord to glorify His name by doing what only He can do.
I’m so sorry to hear about little Sutton’s struggle. I’m praying for Cindy, her family, and continued progress for Sutton.