Welcome to our weekly blog link-up here at Five Minute Friday! So glad you’re here . . . Whether you have your own blog or you like to share your writing on Instagram or Facebook, we’d love to have you join us for this week’s link-up.
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This week’s FMF writing prompt is: DRIVE
My only daughter — the one who made me a mom — turned sixteen this past week. (!!!) She takes her driving test this afternoon, and if she passes on the first try, will likely have her license by next week. She will be our first teen driver, and I’m having the full spectrum of emotions — from terror over letting her get behind the wheel all by herself and the whole host of possibilities that could happen to her while she drives alone, to sadness that she won’t need me anymore, to joy and relief that I won’t have to drive her everywhere myself.
The night before her birthday, I scrolled through old photos on my laptop, reminiscing about days gone by. While numerous photos brought smiles and laughter, I also felt a blanket of sadness that we will never get those years back. We’ll never get to parent our kids at those ages again. Those days are gone.
Don’t get me wrong . . . I’m so grateful for the rich life experiences that my family and I have enjoyed over the years. But as they say — when you’re raising kids, the days are long but the years are short.
May we not take the days for granted, for tomorrow they will be gone.
“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” ~ Psalm 90:12
Join the link-up with your own five-minute freewrite below, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment:Â
The days drag by on turtle feet,
a pace to make saints cry,
but I can scarcely keep my seat
as the fleet years gallop by.
The Eighties have been calling me
with e’er decreasing tact
and constantly repeated plea:
“We want our hairstyle back.”
And the century’s first decade;
remember, way back when?
The World of Warcraft games we played
now seem so 2010.
It’s kinda sad, how fast time swirls,
’till I think of next year’s calendar girls.
Well, congrats to you and your daughter! Parenting is so full of those bittersweets, especially when they get to the teen years and it really starts to hit you how fast the time goes.
Those are two milestones o
My comment got cut off. Sorry. I meant to say those are two milestones for sure.